Justyna Giejsztowt: Curriculum Vitae
2016 - 2019 PhD in Ecology and Biodiversity
Interactive effects of climate change and plant invasion on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics
Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2011 - 2013 Erasmus Mundus European Master in Applied Ecology (Final Grade: 1.3; Excellent)
Genetic variability, fitness and niche in the alpine plant species Horminum pyrenaicum
University of Poitiers, France; Christian-Albrechts University, Germany; thesis Completion at Paris Londron University, Austria.
2008 - 2010 Bachelor of Science in Biology and Geography (GPA 8.7/9.0 across science courses)
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Research positions held
2020 – : Post-doctoral researcher Disturbance Ecology. Bayreuth, Germany.
2015 – 2019: Site manager and senior technician International Warming and Removal in Mountains (WaRM) project. Tūkino, New Zealand.
2019: Research Assistant (Statistician) Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology, Victoria University of Wellington
2014 – 2016: Research Associate (Pollination Ecology and Integrated Pest Management) Plant and Food Research. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Student Supervision & Teaching
- Lecturer
- o Vegetationskunde / Vegetation Science. University of Bayreuth.
- o Experimental Ecology (Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning). University of Bayreuth.
- o Biology 325: Global Change Biology. Victoria University of Wellington.
- Research student supervision
- o MSc student supervision (2015-2016)
- o Summer scholarship student supervision (2016-2019)
- Laboratory and field course tutor:
- o Experimental Ecology (Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning). University of Bayreuth.
- o Biology 227: Plants and Algae. Victoria University of Wellington.
2020: Armarego-Marriott, 2020. Warmth disfavours natives. Nature Climate Change DOI:10.1038/s41558-019-0674-7: a “Research Highlight” describing our 2019 Ecology paper. |
2019: Giejsztowt, J., Classen, A.T. and J.R. Deslippe. 2019. Climate change and invasion synergisms may cause decline of native plant reproduction through species-specific phenology. Ecology (101:1) DOI:10.1002/ecy.2913 |
2019: Deslippe, J.R., Brockett, B.F.T., Giejsztowt, J., Staniczenko, P.P.A and J.M. Tylianakis. 2019. Plant species that can disperse further tend to interact with a greater number of mycorrhizal fungi. Poster; published in Proceedings. 43rd New Phytologist Symposium: Interaction networks and trait evolution, Zurich, Switzerland. |
Under review: Adrian G Dyer, Anke Jentsch, Martin Burd, Jair E Garcia, Justyna Giejsztowt, Maria Gabriela Gutierrez Camargo, Even Tjørve, Kathleen M C Tjørve, Peter White and Mani Shrestha. 2020. Fragmentary blue: Resolving the rarity paradox in flower colors, Currently under review at Frontieers in Plant Science |
In prep: Giejsztowt, J., Classen, A.T. and J.R. Deslippe. Inter-island discrepancies in invasive plant spread are associated with human disturbance but not environmental filtering. Manuscript in prep. |
In prep: Giejsztowt J., Classen A. T., and J.R. Deslippe. Density-dependent effects of an invasive species on the spatial distribution and abundance of a native species under future climate scenarios. Manuscript in prep. |
In prep: Giejsztowt J., Sanders N.J., Classen A.T. and J.R. Deslippe. Elevational gradients alter invasion effects on species richness at multiple spatial scales. Manuscript in prep |
In prep: Marraffini M.L., Classen A.T., Sanders N.J., Deslippe J.R., He J.S., McLaren J.R., Rixon C., Sundqvist M., Wipf S., Aguirre D., Chisholm C., Giejsztowt J., Prager C. and D.B. Stouffer. 2019. Dynamic responses of alpine-plant communities to warming and loss of dominant species. Manuscript is currently under review at Nature Communications. |
Scholarships and Grants Secured
2019 Project Tongariro Memorial Award $1000 to support the publication of a manuscript.
2018 Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology Student Award $1000 travel grant to attend the Ecological Society of America conference, New Orleans United States of America
2018 Faculty Strategic Research Grant $2000 to support travel to the United States for conference attendance
2016: Ross Beever Mycological Trust Fund $500 secured to support laboratory costs
2015-2018: Victoria University Doctoral Scholarship $32,500 per annum
2015: Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology Student Award $2000 to support research costs
2011-2013: European Union funding: Erasmus Mundus Scholarship $32,000 to cover living, tuition and research costs
2011: University of Canterbury Summer Scholarship $10,000
2010: Walter-Jones Scholarship $8000 applied on invitation as the first-ranked undergraduate student in Biology at the University of Canterbury
2008: Polish Charitable and Educational Trust $5000 post-secondary education scholarship
2009: Polish Charitable and Educational Trust $3000 post-secondary education scholarship
2019: SBS Best Student Publication Award. 3rd Place. Ecology and Biodiversity, Victoria University of Wellington.
2018: Very Highly Commended Student Oral Presentation, New Zealand Ecological Society Conference
2010: Kauri Seed Scholarship, Ecological Society of New Zealand. Awarded to first-ranked undergraduate student in Ecology at the University of Canterbury
Invited Lectures, Presentations and Seminars
Giejsztowt J. Standardized protocols and plant functional traits. Lecture. Vegetation Science. University of Bayreuth, Germany. 5th June 2020.
Giejsztowt J. Species Distribution Modelling. Lecture. Experimental Ecology (Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning) University of Bayreuth, Germany. 29th May 2020.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Climate change, plant invasion and their interactive effects on species distributions. Invited seminar. Hólar University, Iceland. 30 April 2020.
Giejsztowt J. Interactive effects of global change drivers. Invited seminar- Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. 2nd May 2019.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Climate change, plant invasion and their interactive effects on species distributions. New Zealand Ecological Society, Wellington, New Zealand, 22 November 2018.
Giejsztowt J. Species Distribution Modelling and interacting drivers of Global Environmental Change. Guest Lecture. Victoria University of Wellington, BIOL325. Wellington, New Zealand, 12 October 2018.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Climate change and invasive weeds act synergistically to alter the distribution of culturally important alpine plant species in New Zealand. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, United States of America, 8 August 2018.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Climate change and weed invasion synergistically affect species richness in an alpine plant community. Society for Conservation Biology-5th Oceana Congress. Wellington, New Zealand, 2-6 July 2018.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Modelling the risk of invasive expansion risk for Calluna vulgaris on the South Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Conservation Network Biennial Conference. Hokitika, New Zealand, 16th November 2017.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Interactive effects: climate change and species composition. Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology Postgraduate Symposium, Victoria University of Wellington. 27th May 2017.
Giejsztowt J., Classen, AT. & Deslippe JR. Interactive effects of climate change and species composition on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics. Invited Seminar. Centre for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate Seminar Series, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 14th September 2016.
Outreach and Public Engagement
2020: PhD work was utilized in Christie, J., Pearce, P., Phifer, P., Parsons, S. and A. Tait, 2020. Department of Conservation climate change adaptation action plan/ Te Papa Atawhai he whakamahere hātepe urutau mō te huringa āhuarangi: 2020/21 – 2024/25. Department of Conservation, New Zealand
2020: Edited and updated all materials for book – Hayes, L. The Biological control of weeds book: a New Zealand guide. Manaaki Whenua- Landcare Research. ISBN: 0-479-09306-3
2020: Contribution to article on the blog fredsingerecology.com: “Hot invaders thwart endemic New Zealanders” which describes scientific studies in plain English for wide audiences. https://fredsingerecology.com/2020/04/24/hot-invaders-thwart-endemic-new-zealanders/
2019: Created e-learning materials for high school students, associated with the textbook -- Huxley, L and Walter, M. 2020. Biology for Queensland an Australian Perspective Units 3&4 (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. Docklands, Australia.
2016-2018: Annual meetings to report research outcomes to Maori tribe Ngāti Rangi and land managers in Tongariro National Park
2016: Poster for permanent display made at the request of Tūkino Alpine Sports Club concerning alpine ecology and global change
2014-2016: Aphid dispersal risk reports delivered to farmers and other stakeholders in the Canterbury region as part of a larger Integrated Pest Management scheme
Additional Research Experience
2019-2020: Weed Biocontrol Technician
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research. Lincoln, New Zealand.
2019-2020: Pollination Ecology Technician
Plant and Food Research. Lincoln, New Zealand.
2012: Laboratory Assistant, Ecology
Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants, Paris-Londron University, Salzburg, Austria
2010-2011: Laboratory and Field Assistant, Ecology
Freshwater Ecology Research Group, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2008-2009: Intern, Conservation monitoring
International Student Volunteers, Costa Rica