Vulnerability of German Biotops on Climate Change

Urte Bauer1, Andreas von Heßberg1, Anke Jentsch1
1 Störungsökologie und Vegetationsdynamik,

P 2.2 in Zooming out: Evolution, biomes, global trends

Natural disturbance events expose landscapes and ecosystems to dynamics that are highly relevant to their regenerative capacity and stability. In our cultural landscape, anthropogenically induced disturbance events also play a significant role, if not a greater one. Climate change adds another dynamic factor that increases the unpredictability of the stability of our biotopes. The aim of this 2-year project funded by the BfN is to compile and analyse the current literature on the significance of dynamic ecosystem processes in all biotope types in Germany. This national inventory about biotype vulnerability is the first of its kind. For each German biotoptype a manual (fact sheet) is written for nature conservation science, decision-makers. These manuals have the goal of developing a broader public discussion, especially regarding the concepts and proposals for implementation measures in practical nature conservation. Finally, it is about the existential question of the stability of our biotope types in times of increasing unpredictability.

Keywords: Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Nature Conservation, Climate Change, Biotops, Vulnerability
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