Reforestation under climate change: A supra-regional field trial in Thuringia/Germany to test different management options for the development of multifunctional forests on disturbed spruce areas

Henrik Oechler1, Claus Bässler1, Markus Bernhardt-Römermann2, Marie Brock3, Janina Ebert4, Simon Grieger5, Franka Huth6, Philipp Koal3, Dorothea Peter7, Birgitta Putzenlechner5, Florian Steinebrunner2, Simon Thorn4, Alexander Tischer7, Xinying Zhou8, Martin Zwanzig8, Ingolf Profft3
1 University of Bayreuth, Institute of Biology, Chemistry und Geosciences/Fungal Ecology
2 Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Institute of Ecology and Evolution
3 Forest Research and Competence Center Gotha, Climate Impacts, Research, Experimentation Dept.
4 Hessian State Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment, and Geology, Federal State Bird Observatory
5 Georg-August University Göttingen, Institute of Geography, Department Cartography, GIS, and Remote Sensing
6 TUD Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Silviculture and Forest Protection
7 Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Department of Geography/Soil Science
8 TUD Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Science

P 2.6 in Zooming out: Evolution, biomes, global trends

The impact of extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves, storms and the associated intensification of bark beetle outbreaks in spruce forests in recent years, has led to a vast loss of spruce trees in Thuringia and other regions in Germany. There are various options for the management of disturbed areas, but their pros and cons are not clearly resolved. The ResEt-Fi consortium implemented a supra-regional field trial to test how specific practices for deadwood management affect the ecological conditions and subsequent reforestation dynamics of natural regeneration and planted trees. It aims at generating climate-stable mixed forests by an ecological valuable transition offering socio-economic benefits. For stakeholders and forest practitioners, it is planned to create guidelines and showcase scenarios for facilitating the selection of management procedures that fit optimally to the regional conditions and goals for mid- and long-term development.

Keywords: fungi; experiment; climate change; forest; reforestation
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