Jörg Schaller: Publikationen

Hömberg, A; Obst, M; Knorr, KH; Kalbitz, K; Schaller, J: Increased Silicon Availability in Fen Peat Leads to a Release of Iron and Phosphate and Changes in the Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter, Geoderma (2020) -- Details
Schaller, J; Faucherre, S; Joss, H; Obst, M; Goeckede, M; Planer-Friedrich, B; Peiffer, S; Gilfedder, B; Elberling, B: Silicon increases phosphorus availability of Arctic soils, Scientific Reports, 9(449) (2019), doi:10.1038/s41598-018-37104-6 [Link] -- Details
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