Global change mycology: Towards understanding the role of climate for fruit body-forming fungal communities
Vortragender: Franz-Sebastian KrahDr. Franz-Sebastian Krah, Fungal Ecology, BayCEER (Homepage)Do. 19.10.2023 (12:15-13:45)
Mushroom-forming fungi are of central importance for the functioning of ecosystems around the world. They provide habitat and resources for other organisms and perform key roles in carbon and nutrient cycling. Consequently, understanding the implications of climate change on fungi is critical to ecosystem stability. However, we currently face two basic limitations in mycology: a lack of current and past diversity patterns hampering a basic understanding of how fungi relate to climate and a lack of mechanistic approaches to better predict fungi under climate change. Within my talk, I will inform about fungal macroecological patterns and functional mechanistic approaches and also highlight research initiatives to fill our still vast knowledge gaps of fungi under global changes.
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