Gloria Reithmaier: Publications

Reithmaier, G; Knorr, KH; Arnhold, S; Planer-Friedrich, B; Schaller, J: Enhanced silicon availability leads to increased methane production, nutrient and toxicant mobility in peatlands, Scientific Reports, 7, 8728 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09130-3 -- Details
Lohmayer, R; Reithmaier, G; Bura-Nakic, E; Planer-Friedrich, B: Ion-Pair Chromatography Coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma−Mass Spectrometry (IPC-ICP-MS) as a Method for Thiomolybdate Speciation in Natural Waters, Analytical Chemistry, 87(6), 3388–3395 (2015), doi:10.1021/ac5046406 -- Details
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BayCEER Colloquium:
Th. 2024-06-06
Tracking plant diversity dynamics on islands over thousands of years
Mo. 2024-06-10
Arsenic biogeochemistry from paddy soil to rice grain
Ecological-Botanical Garden:
Su. 2024-05-19 now
Führung | "Den ÖBG Kennenlernen: Allgemeine Gartenführung"
We. 2024-05-29
Führung | "Grüne Apotheke: Heilpflanzen"
Inaugural Lecture:
We. 2024-05-22
Funktionelle Pilzökologie: Diversität und Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen Skalen
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