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Chang, S-C; Wang, C-P; Feng, C-M; Rees, R; Hell, U; Matzner, E: Soil fluxes of mineral elements and dissolved organic matter following manipulation of leaf litter in a Taiwan Chamaecyparis forest, Forest Ecology and Management, 242, 133-141 (2007) -- Details |
Alewell, C; Lischeid, G; Hell, U; Manderscheid, B: High temporal resolution of ion fluxes in semi-natural ecosystems - gain of information or waste of resources?, Biogeochemistry, 69, 19-35 (2004), doi:10.1023/B:BIOG.0000031029.46798.7f -- Details |
Göttlein, A; Hell, U; Blasek, R: A system for microscale tensiometry and lysimetry, Geoderma, 69, 147-156 (1996) -- Details |