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BDGD - Balkan Dry Grassland Database (EU-00-013)

The Balkan Dry Grassland Database is a collaborative vegetation-plot database in the framework of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG). It aims at collecting all available data of mesic and dry grassland vegetation types from the Balkan peninsula. While so far BDGD mainly contains data from the Central and Eastern Balkans, we essentially collect all suitable plots from the territories of Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosna and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Greece. The following vegetation classes are collected: Festuco-Brometea, Helichryso-Crucianelletea, Helianthemetea guttati, Koelerio-Corynephoretea (incl. Sedo-Scleranthetea and Festuceta vaginatae), Lygeo-Stipetea, Poetea bulbosae, Stipo-Agrostietea, Stipo-Trachynietea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Elyno-Seslerietea, Daphno-Festucetea, Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei (incl. Melampyro-Holcetea).

BDGD is a collaborative database, self-governed by the data contributors, who become members of the BDGD Consortium. BDGD data are available for basica and applied research to members of the Consortium only. Currently they are used for a series of papers on the consistent broad-scale classification of the dry grassland communities of the region. The data of BDGD are also contributed to the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and the global vegetation-plot database "sPlot", thus making the Romanian Grassland  data available for supraregional analyses (with opt-in authorship options for BDGD members). Persons with suitable plot data are invited to join.

Foundation: 2012



Custodian:  Kiril Vassilev (Sofia, BG;; Deputy Custodian: Armin Macanović (BA;

Further members of the Governing Board: Jürgen Dengler (Bayreuth, DE;; Ioannis Tsiripidis (GR;; Danijela Stešević (ME;

Consortium (March 2017): 49 members

Current content (March 2017): 9,466 plots

BDGD Map 2017-04-12

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