Fine-scale species richness patterns in European grassland vegetation (an EVA project)

Aims: The aim of this project is to characterize and possibly explain local species richness (alpha diversity) patterns of vascular plants in European grasslands, to reveal the main ecological and biogeographical factors determining species richness patterns , and identify areas of extraordinary high species richness in Europe an grasslands. Data on species richness will be taken from georeferenced grassland vegetation relevés and analysed using GIS and statistical methods (regression in the broadest sense with the number of species per unit area as a response variable). Special attention will be given to the effect of plot size.

Start: September 2016

Project leaders: Martin Večera (Brno, CZ), Milan Chytrý (Brno, CZ) & Jürgen Dengler (Bayreuth)

Other involved researchers from BayCEER: Iwona Dembicz

Project description:

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