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UGD - Ukrainian Grassland Database (EU-UA-001)

The Ukrainian Grassland Database (UGD) is a vegetation-plot database that aims at collecting all available plot observations (phytosociological relevés) from grassland vegetation in Ukraine. This refers to the phytosociological classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Festuco-Brometea (including Helianthemo-Thymetea), Koelerio-Corynephoretea s.l., Calluno-Ulicetea (including Nardetea strictae), Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae, Festuco-Puccinellietea, Ammophiletea, Cakiletea maritimae, Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei.

Work on the database started in 2011, and all vegetation plots (relevés) are stored in TURBOVEG program. UGD is a collaborative database within the framework of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), self-governed by the data contributors, who become members of the RGD Consortium according to the UGD Bylaws. Persons with suitable plot data are invited to join the UGD Consortium.

The UGD data are available to Consortium members for fundamental and applied research in Ukraine, e.g. vegetation classification, biodiversity patterns and conservation projects. The data of RGD are also contributed to the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and the global vegetation-plot database “sPlot”, thus making the Romanian Grassland data available for supraregional analyses (with opt-in authorship options for UGD members) while at the same time providing access to these megadatabases to its members.

Bylaws: to be provided soon...

Foundation: 2011


Custodian: Anna Kuzemko (Uman', RO;

Deputy Custodian: Yulia Vashenyak (Khmelnytsky, UA,

Involved from BayCEER: Jürgen Dengler (Bayreuth, DE,

Consortium members (March 2017): 11

Current content (March 2017): 5,034 plots


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