Your research captured in a picture
In December 2011 a short-term call for "research photos" led to a collection of impressing pictures. They were compiled into the online calendar "Blitzlicht Forschung" on the BayCEER website.
We want to continue the calendar in 2013 - with your pictures from research in the field or greenhouse, in the lab or at the computer! So take your camera and put your research work perfectly into focus!
The photo competition
Your pictures will be presented at the BayCEER Workshop and evaluated by the participants. The 12 most popular photos will be included in the online calendar. For the first three there are special prizes to win.
If you want to participate please submit your picture as digital version (jpg, png or gif-format, printing quality) with a short description with your registration or later on in the internal part of the workshop website. Extended deadline for submission is October 9, 2012.
You may submit up to two pictures. With the submission you agree with the publication of your picture at the Workshop as well as at the BayCEER homepage.