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BayCEER Workshop 2013

Tracing the Life of Research Ideas

October 10, 2013
H8, GEO-Building, Universität Bayreuth 

Leafs in circle

The fifth BayCEER Workshop took place on October 10, 2013. Participants from various disciplines presented their work in 18 talks, 19 posters and two live demonstrations. With the theme "Tracing the Life of Research Ideas" they were composed in three interdisciplinary sessions.

The public panel discussion on "Networking and Raising Visibility in Research Environments" was an excellent occasion to critically discuss ongoing trends in research and what is beneficial for scientific careers.

A course on Presentation Skills accompanied the workshop, the participants joined in the judging panels for the  poster prize as well as the prize for the best talk for PhD students. The workshop as well as the accompanying course are also part of the PhD program Ecology and Environmental Research (PEER).


Award winners for posters...

  1. Photos BayCEER Workshop 2013

    P 2.9 Julienne Marie-Isabelle Schiebold et al.: Nutrient gains from fungi by adult orchids in temperate montane habitats – A stable isotope approach
  2. P 3.5  Alexander Endreß et al.: New exot in testing phase: Do pinching and post-harvest ripening influence yield and fruit quality of lulo?
  3. P 2.10 Jana Messinger et al.: Lulo (Solanum quitoense), a new greenhouse crop for Central Europe: Reproductive phenology and yield

...and talks

  1. Photos BayCEER Workshop 2013

    O 2.11 Sebastian Schmitt et al.: Fluxes of monoterpenes from a spruce forest: establishing sampling and analytical procedures
  2. O 1.2 Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier: Inputs to the Soyang Reservoir and Dynamic Changes in Water Quality
  3. O 3.1 Anja Jaeschke et al.: Extending the climate envelope: Methodological approaches to integrate ecological prerequisites in species distribution models at large spatial extents