Emerging Insights in Fungal Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Climate Effects
Vortragender: Dr. Franz-Sebastian Krah, Fungal Ecology (Homepage)Do. 06.02.2025 (12:15-13:45), H6, Geo
Öffentlicher Vortrag im Habilitationsverfahren
Fungal ecology has experienced substantial progress over the past decade, driven largely by the availability of large-scale spatial datasets. These datasets have revealed significant correlations between fungal diversity patterns and environmental factors, particularly climate. Despite these advancements, a comprehensive understanding of the assembly processes shaping fungal communities and the impacts of climate warming over time remains elusive. In this presentation, I will present an overview of my current research aimed at addressing these critical questions. I will highlight how emerging data and innovative analytical approaches are beginning to shed light on the complex interplay between fungal diversity patterns and their underlying ecological mechanisms.
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