Bettina Engelbrecht: Publikationen
Peer reviewed
Zahn, F., Contreras, B., Engelbrecht, B., Gebauer, G.: Stable isotope analysis indicates partial mycoheterotrophy in arbuscular mycorrhizal woody seedlings in tropical forests. Functional Ecology, 38(12), 2720-2733 (2024).
Klotz, M., Schaller, J., Engelbrecht, B.: Effects of plant-available soil silicon on seedling growth and foliar nutrient status across tropical tree species. Oikos, (8), e10030 (2023).
Kiene, C., Jung, E., Engelbrecht, B.: Nutrient effects on drought responses vary across common temperate grassland species. Oecologia, 202, 1-14 (2023).
Browne, L., Markesteijn, L., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Wright, S., Bagchi, R., Engelbrecht, B., Jones, F., Comita, L.: Widespread variation in functional trait–vital rate relationships in tropical tree seedlings across a precipitation and soil phosphorus gradient. Functional Ecology, 37(2), 248-260 (2023).
Klotz, M., Schaller, J., Feldhaar, H., Dengler, J., Gebauer, G., Aas, G., Weissflog, A., Engelbrecht, B.: Plasticity of plant silicon and nitrogen concentrations in response to water regimes varies across temperate grassland species. Functional Ecology, 36, 3211-3222 (2022).
Álvarez-Cansino, L., Comita, L., Jones, F., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Browne, L., Engelbrecht, B.: Turgor loss point predicts survival responses to experimental and natural drought in tropical tree seedlings. Ecology, 103(6), e3700 (2022).
Muehleisen, A., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Engelbrecht, B., Jones, F., Comita, L.: Do experimental drought stress and species' drought sensitivity influence herbivory in tropical tree seedlings?. Biotropica, 54(3), 619-626 (2022).
Pinho, B., Tabarelli, M., ter Braak, C., Wright, S., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Benchimol, M., Engelbrecht, B., Pierce, S., Hietz, P., Santos, B., Peres, C., Müller, S., Wright, I., Bongers, F., Lohbeck, M., Niinemets, Ü., Slot, M., Jansen, S., Jamelli, D., de Lima, R., Swenson, N., Condit, R., Barlow, J., Slik, F., Hernández-Ruedas, M., Mendes, G., Martínez-Ramos, M., Pitman, N., Kraft, N., Garwood, N., Guevara Andino, J., Faria, D., Chacón-Madrigal, E., Mariano-Neto, E., Júnior, V., Kattge, J., Melo, F.: Functional biogeography of Neotropical moist forests : Trait–climate relationships and assembly patterns of tree communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(7), 1430-1446 (2021).
Browne, L., Markesteijn, L., Engelbrecht, B., Jones, F., Lewis, O., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Wright, S., Comita, L.: Increased mortality of tropical tree seedlings during the extreme 2015–16 El Niño. Global Change Biology, 27(20), 5043-5053 (2021).
Browne, L., Markesteijn, L., Engelbrecht, B., Jones, A., Lewis, O., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Wright, J., Comita, L.: Increased mortality of tropical tree seedlings during the extreme 2015-16 El Niño : dataset and code. figshare, (2021).
Kurze, S., Bilton, M., Álvarez-Cansino, L., Bangerter, S., Prasse, R., Tielbörger, K., Engelbrecht, B.: Evaluating grazing response strategies in winter annuals : A multi-trait approach. Journal of Ecology, 109(8), 3074-3086 (2021).
Kurze, S., Engelbrecht, B., Bilton, M., Tielbörger, K., Álvarez-Cansino, L.: Rethinking the Plant Economics Spectrum for Annuals : A Multi-Species Study. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 640862 (2021).
Klotz, M., Schaller, J., Kurze, S., Engelbrecht, B.: Variation of foliar silicon concentrations in temperate forbs : effects of soil silicon, phylogeny and habitat. Oecologia, 196(4), 977-987 (2021).
Jung, E., Gaviria, J., Sun, S., Engelbrecht, B.: Comparative drought resistance of temperate grassland species : testing performance trade-offs and the relation to distribution. Oecologia, 192(4), 1023-1036 (2020).
Sun, S., Jung, E., Gaviria, J., Engelbrecht, B.: Drought survival is positively associated with high turgor loss points in temperate perennial grassland species. Functional Ecology, 34(4), 788-798 (2020).
Muehleisen, A., Engelbrecht, B., Jones, F., Manzané-Pinzón, E., Comita, L.: Local adaptation to herbivory within tropical tree species along a rainfall gradient. Ecology, 101(11), e03151 (2020).
Kupers, S., Wirth, C., Engelbrecht, B., Rüger, N.: Dry season soil water potential maps of a 50 hectare tropical forest plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Scientific Data, 6, 63 (2019).
Kupers, S., Engelbrecht, B., Hernandez, A., Wright, S., Wirth, C., Rüger, N.: Growth responses to soil water potential indirectly shape local species distributions of tropical forest seedlings. Journal of Ecology, 107(2), 860-874 (2019).
Pinho, B., Tabarelli, M., Engelbrecht, B., Sfair, J., Melo, F.: Plant functional assembly is mediated by rainfall and soil conditions in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Basic and Applied Ecology, 40, 1-11 (2019).
van der Sande, M., Poorter, L., Schnitzer, S., Engelbrecht, B., Markesteijn, L.: The hydraulic efficiency–safety trade-off differs between lianas and trees. Ecology, 100(5), e02666 (2019).
Kupers, S., Wirth, C., Engelbrecht, B., Hernández, A., Condit, R., Wright, S., Rüger, N.: Performance of tropical forest seedlings under shade and drought : an interspecific trade-off in demographic responses. Scientific Reports, 9, 18784 (2019).
Schaller, J., Turner, B., Weissflog, A., Pino, D., Bielnicka, A., Engelbrecht, B.: Silicon in tropical forests : large variation across soils and leaves suggests ecological significance. Biogeochemistry, 140(2), 161-174 (2018).
Weissflog, A., Markesteijn, L., Lewis, O., Comita, L., Engelbrecht, B.: Contrasting patterns of insect herbivory and predation pressure across a tropical rainfall gradient. Biotropica, 50(2), 302-311 (2017).
Gaviria, J., Turner, B., Engelbrecht, B.: Drivers of tree species distribution across a tropical rainfall gradient. Ecosphere, 8(2), e01712 (2017).
O'Brian, M., Engelbrecht, B., Joswig, J., Pereyra, G., Schuldt, B., Jansen, S., Kattge, J., Landhäuser, S., Levick, S., Preisler, Y., Väänänen, P., Macinnis-Ng, C.: A synthesis of tree functional traits related to drought-induced mortality in forests across climatic zones. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(6), 1669-1686 (2017).
Gaviria, J., Engelbrecht, B.: Effects of drought, pest pressure and light availability on seedling establishment and growth : their role for distribution of tree species across a tropical rainfall gradient. PLoS One, 10(11), e0143955 (2015).
Condit, R., Engelbrecht, B., Pino, D., Turner, B., Pérez, R.: Tree Species Occurrence Related to Dry Season Duration, Panama Canal Area. Panama Tree Distribution Database, (2013).
Condit, R., Engelbrecht, B., Pino, D., Pérez, R., Turner, B.: Species distributions in response to individual soil nutrients and seasonal drought across a community of tropical trees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(13), 5064-5068 (2013).
Fayolle, A., Engelbrecht, B., Freycon, V., Mortier, F., Swaine, M., Réjou-Méchain, M., Doucet, J., Fauvet, N., Cornu, G., Gourlet-Fleury, S.: Geological Substrates Shape Tree Species and Trait Distributions in African Moist Forests. PLoS One, 7(8), e42381 (2012).
Craine, J., Engelbrecht, B., Lusk, C., McDowell, N., Poorter, H.: Resource Limitation, Tolerance, and the Future of Ecological Plant Classification. Frontiers in Functional Plant Ecology, 3, 246 (2012).
Engelbrecht, B.: Forests on the brink. Nature, 491, 675-676 (2012).
Turner, B., Engelbrecht, B.: Soil organic phosphorus in lowland tropical rain forests. Biogeochemistry, 103(1-3), 297-315 (2011).
Wright, S., Kitajima, K., Kraft, N., Reich, P., Wright, I., Bunker, D., Condit, R., Dalling, J., Davies, S., Díaz, S., Engelbrecht, B., Harms, K., Hubbell, S., Marks, C., Ruiz-Jaen, M., Salvador, C., Zanne, A.: Functional traits and the growth-mortality trade-off in tropical trees. Ecology, 91(12), 3664-3674 (2010).
Comita, L., Engelbrecht, B.: Seasonal and spatial variation in water availability drive habitat associations in a tropical forest. Ecology, 90(10), 2755-2765 (2009).
Kursar, T., Engelbrecht, B., Burke, A., Tyree, M., El Omari, B., Giraldo, J.: Tolerance to low leaf water status of tropical seedlings is related to drought performance and distribution. Functional Ecology, 23(1), 93-102 (2009).
Lasso, E., Engelbrecht, B., Dalling, J.: When sex is not enough: ecological correlates of resprouting capacity in congeneric tropical forest shrubs. Oecologia, 161(1), 43-56 (2009).
Engelbrecht, B., Comita, L., Condit, R., Kursar, T., Tyree, M., Turner, B., Hubbell, S.: Drought sensitivity shapes species distribution patterns in tropical forests. Nature, 447, 80-82 (2007).
Arnold, E., Engelbrecht, B.: Fungal endophytes nearly double minimum leaf conductance in seedlings of a neotropical tree species. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23(3), 369-372 (2007).
Engelbrecht, B., Tyree, M., Kursar, T.: Visual assessment of wilting as a measure of leaf water potential and seedling drought survival. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23(4), 497-500 (2007).
Lovelock, C., Feller, I., Ball, M., Engelbrecht, B., Ewe, M.: Differences in plant function in phosphorus- and nitrogen-limited mangrove ecosystems. New Phytologist, 172(3), 514-522 (2006).
Lovelock, C., Ball, M., Choat, B., Engelbrecht, B., Holbrook, N., Feller, I.: Linking physiological processes with mangrove forest structure: phosphorus deficiency limits canopy development, hydraulic conductivity and photosynthetic carbon gain in dwarf Rhizophora mangle. Plant, Cell & Environment, 29(5), 793-802 (2006).
Svenning, J., Engelbrecht, B., Kinner, D., Kursar, T., Stallard, R., Wright, S.: The relative roles of environment, history and local dispersal in controlling the distributions of common tree and shrub species in a tropical forest landscape, Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22(5), 575-586 (2006).
Engelbrecht, B., Dalling, J., Wolf, R., Pearson, T., Gálvez, D., Koehler, T., Tyree, M., Kursar, T.: Short dry spells in the wet season increase mortality of tropical pioneer seedlings. Oecologia, 148(2), 258-269 (2006).
Lovelock, C., Ball, M., Feller, I., Engelbrecht, B., Ewe, M.: Variation in hydraulic conductivity of mangroves: Influence of species, salinity, and nitrogen and phosphorus availability. Physiologia Plantarum, 127(3), 457-464 (2006).
Kursar, T., Engelbrecht, B., Tyree, M.: A comparison of methods for determining soil water availability in two sites in Panama with similar rainfall but distinct tree communities. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 21(3), 297-305 (2005).
Engelbrecht, B., Kursar, T., Tyree, M.: Drought effects on seedling survival in a tropical moist forest. Trees, 19(3), 312-321 (2005).
Svenning, J., Kinner, D., Stallard, R., Engelbrecht, B., Wright, S.: Ecological determinism in plant community structure across a tropical forest landscape. Ecology, 85(9), 2526-2538 (2004).
Lovelock, C., Feller, I., McKee, K., Engelbrecht, B., Ball, M.: The effect of nutrient enrichment on growth, photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance of dwarf mangroves in Panamá. Functional Ecology, 18(1), 25-33 (2004).
Engelbrecht, B., Kursar, T.: Comparative drought-resistance of seedlings of 28 species of co-occurring tropical woody plants. Oecologia, 136(3), 383-393 (2003).
Tyree, M., Engelbrecht, B., Vargas, G., Kursar, T.: Desiccation Tolerance of Five Tropical Seedlings in Panama. Relationship to a Field Assessment of Drought Performance. Plant Physiology, 132(3), 1439-1447 (2003).
Tyree, M., Vargas, G., Engelbrecht, B., Kursar, T.: Drought until death do us part: a case study of the desiccation‐tolerance of a tropical moist forest seedling‐tree, Licania platypus (Hemsl.) Fritsch. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53(378), 2239-2247 (2002).
Engelbrecht, B., Wright, S., de Steven, D.: Survival and ecophysiology of tree seedlings during El Niño drought in a tropical moist forest in Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 18(4), 569-579 (2002).
Engelbrecht, B., Herz, H.: Evaluation of different methods to estimate understorey light conditions in tropical forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 17(2), 207-224 (2001).
Engelbrecht, B., Velez, V., Tyree, M.: Hydraulic conductance of two co-occuring neotropical understory shrubs with different habitat preferences. Annals of Forest Science, 57(3), 201-208 (2000).
Winter, K., Richter, A., Engelbrecht, B., Posada, J., Virgo, A., Popp, M.: Effect of elevated CO₂ on growth and crassulacean-acid-metabolism activity of Kalanchoë pinnata under tropical conditions. Planta, 201(4), 389-396 (1997).
Winter, K., Engelbrecht, B.: Short-term CO₂ responses of light and dark CO₂ fixation in the crassulacean acid metabolism plant "Kalanchoe pinnata". Journal of Plant Physiology, 144(4-5), 462-467 (1994).
Books and Book sections
Pino, D., Condit, R., Turner, B., Perez, R., Engelbrecht, B.: Soil nutrients and water availability shape species distributions in tropical forests. In: Manfred Niekisch, Bruno Streit (eds.): Status and future of tropical biodiversity : Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology, 21 - 24 February 2011, Frankfurt a.M.: Programme & abstracts. - Frankfurt a.M. : 2011. - 220.
Engelbrecht, B., Comita, L., Condit, R., Tyree, M., Kursar, T.: Drought and seedling survival in tropical rain forest plants: linking drought resistance with species distribution. In: Jutta Stadler (eds.): Biodiversity - from patterns to processes. - Göttingen : Verl. Die Werkstatt, 2003. - 277.
Engelbrecht, B., Tyree, M., Kursar, T.: Drought and seedling survival of tropical rainforest plants. In: Funktionelle Bedeutung von Biodiversität. - Berlin : Parey, 2001. - 161.
Herz, H., Engelbrecht, B., Beyschlag, W.: Herbivory affects leaf and plant water relations in tropical forests. In: Funktionelle Bedeutung von Biodiversität. - Berlin : Parey, 2001. - 313.
Engelbrecht, B., Dalling, J., Pearson, T., Wolf, R., Gálvez, D., Koehler, T., Ruiz, M., Kursar, T.: Short dry spells in the wet season increase mortality of tropical pioneer seedlings. In: K. N. Ganeshaiah (eds.): Tropical ecosystems : structure, diversity and human welfare ; proceedings. - Enfield, NH : Science Publishers, 2001. - 665-669.
Engelbrecht, B.: Comparison of the diversity, abundance and distribution of Piper species in two neotropical forests with different rainfall regimes. In: Kurzbeiträge zur Tropenökologie : Zusammenfassungen der Beiträge des DFG-Abschlußsymposiums "Mechanismen der Aufrechterhaltung tropischer Diversität" (18.-19. Februar 1998) und der 11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (20.-22. Februar 1998 in Bielefeld). - Bielefeld : Abt. Ökologie der Univ. Bielefeld, 1998.
Engelbrecht, B., Herz, H.: Evaluation of different methods to estimate understory light conditions in tropical forests. In: Kurzbeiträge zur Tropenökologie : Zusammenfassungen der Beiträge des DFG-Abschlußsymposiums "Mechanismen der Aufrechterhaltung tropischer Diversität" (18.-19. Februar 1998) und der 11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (20.-22. Februar 1998 in Bielefeld). - Bielefeld : Abt. Ökologie der Univ. Bielefeld, 1998. - 88.
Other publications
van der Sande, M., Poorter, L., Schnitzer, S., Engelbrecht, B., Markesteijn, L.: Data from: The hydraulic efficiency–safety trade-off differs between lianas and trees, DANS Data Station Life Sciences, 2019
Gourlet-Fleury, S., Aleman, J., Bayol, N., Bentaleb, I., Benedet, F., Billand, A., Bremond, L., Cohen, C., Coste, S., Doucet, J., Engelbrecht, B., Fauvet, N., Favier, C., Fayolle, A., Freycon, V., Gillet, J., Gond, V., Laraque, A., Maley, J., Maraval, M., Mayaux, P., Morin-Rivat, J., Mortier, F., Moutsamboté, J., Nasi, R., Ngomanda, A., Nouvellet, Y., Ouedraogo, D., Oslisly, R., Picard, N., Rollin, C., Saya, A., Sonké, B., Swaine, M., Tathy, J., Tovar, C., Toto, M., Vigneron, P., Yongo, O., Willis, K.: Improve the characterization of tropical forests to improve management : policy brief. -CIRAD, Montpêllier, France (eds.), Montpêllier, France, 2014.
Condit, R., Engelbrecht, B., Pino, D., Turner, B., Pérez, R.: [Dataset:] Tree Species Occurrence Related to Dry Season Duration, Panama Canal Area. Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, 2013-02-04
Coste, S., Engelbrecht, B., Swaine, M.: Quantifying tree species shade tolerance. CoForChange Newsletter, 6 (2012).
Engelbrecht, B.: Tropische Wälder und Globaler Wandel : Forschung über Trockenheit im Regenwald. Spektrum, 7(1), 20-23 (2011).
Engelbrecht, B.: Expedition in den Kongo : das Schicksal tropischer Wälder bei globalem Wandel. Spektrum, (2), 23 (2010).
Coste, S., Engelbrecht, B., Swaine, M.: Light requirements and drought tolerance : Experiments launched in Pointe-Noire. CoForChange Newsletter, 3 (2010).
Engelbrecht, B.: Studying drought in the rain. STRI News, (2007).
Wright, S., Bunker, D., Dalling, J., Davies, S., Díaz, S., Engelbrecht, B., Harms, K., Kitajima, K., Kraft, N., Marks, C., Reich, P., Valencia, R., Wright, I., Zanne, A.: Towards a functional trait based research program within the Center for Tropical Forest Science. -The Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) (eds.), 2006.
Engelbrecht, B.: Dry and wet season survival. STRI News, (2005).
Engelbrecht, B., Comita, L.: Linking seedling drought resistance with species habitat associations: dry season mortality. Center for Tropical Forest Science Newsletter, 3, 3 (2005).