George, TS; Heuck, C; Spohn, M; Haygarth, PM; (more than 25 co-authors, ): Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: A perspective on the state of the art and future priorities, Plant and Soil, 427(1-2), 191-208 (2018), doi:10.1007/s11104-017-3391-x | |
Abstract: Background: The dynamics of phosphorus (P) in the environment is critical for regulating nutrient cycles in natural and managed ecosystems and assessing biological resilience against environmental change. Organic P (Po) compounds play key roles in biological and ecosystems function in the terrestrial environment, being critical to cell function, growth and reproduction. Scope: We asked an audience of experts to consider the importance and benefits of Po in organisms and the environment and to identify priorities for research. Conclusions: We identified seven key opportunities for Po research including: the need for integrated, quality controlled and functionally based methodologies; assessment of stoichiometry with other elements in organic matter; understanding the dynamics of Po in natural and managed systems; the role of microorganisms in controlling Po cycles; the implications of nanoparticles in the environment and the need for better modelling and communication of the research. Each priority is discussed and we conclude with a statement of intent for the Po research community that highlights that Po research has a critical role in tackling a number of important global challenges and there are key contributions to be made toward understanding biogeochemical cycles, dynamics and function of natural ecosystems and the management of agricultural systems. |