Meike Widdig (2021) | Element cycling in grassland soils as driven by stoichiometric homeostasis of microorganisms. mehr... |
Giovanni Pastore (2020) | Solubilization of Phosphorus, Silicon, and Calcium and Abundance of Phosphorus-solubilizing Bacteria in Temperate Forest Soils mehr... |
Christine Heuck (2018) | Microbial nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and microbial biomass stoichiometry as dependent on ratios of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of temperate forests. mehr... |
Mai Van Dinh (2017) | Soluble phosphorus in forest soils: Effects of drying and rewetting |
Alexander Guhr (2016) | Adaptations of saprotrophic filamentous fungi to drought stress in soils: Hydraulic redistribution through mycelia networks and transcriptional responses |
Mi-Hee Lee (2016) | Dynamics of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in forest ecosystems |
Andreas Bantle (2015) | Tree species effects on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from decomposing logs |
Marianne Schütt (2014) | Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in temperate forest soils at low temperatures |
Ulrich Zang (2014) | Sensitivity of planted European beech saplings to soil drought |
Inken Krüger (2013) | Potential of above- and below-ground coarse woody debris as a carbon sink in managed and unmanaged forests |
Beate Huhle (2013) | Bindungsformen und Mobilität von As in Moorböden |
Yao-Te Chen (2011) | Gross N turnover and soil solution chemistry as influenced by fluctuations of soil water potential and water table in a Podzol and a fen soil |
Kerstin Schulze (2011) | Turnover and fluxes of carbon and nitrogen in a spruce forest under natural and extreme meteorological conditions |
Bettina Schmidt (2010) | Role of dissolved organic nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle of a mountainous forest ecosystem in Taiwan |
Jan Muhr (2009) | Carbon dynamics under natural and manipulated meteorological boundary conditions in a forest site and a fen ecosystem |
Thorsten Scheel (2008) | Aluminium stabilisiert gelöste organische Substanz durch Ausfällung |
Tobias Zuber (2008) | Der Wasserhaushalt der Humusauflage in einem Fichtenbestand |
Guido Kossmann (2005) | Plant functional traits and ecosystem functions in experimental grasland stands |
Jen-How Huang (2004) | Biogeochemistry of organotin and organolead compounds in a forested catchment in NE Bavaria, Germany |
Annette Prechtel (2004) | Release of stored sulphur from acid soils under decreasing sulphur deposition Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 107 |
Julia Lindenmair (2004) | Bedeutung von Grobwurzeln für die Wasser- und Ionenaufnahme von Altfichten - Freilandversuche mit Wurzelkammern - Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 108 |
Ji-Hyung Park (2002) | Dissolved organic matter dynamics in a deciduous forest floor: Controls investigated by field and laboratory experiments Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 95 |
Kerstin Michel (2002) | Nitrogen as a factor of soil organic matter stability in forest soils Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 98 |
David Schwesig (2001) | Umsatz von Hg und Methyl-Hg in Waldökosystemen Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 83 |
Matthias Stuhrmann (2000) | Verbleib eingetragenen Stickstoffs in Waldböden entlang eines klimatischen Transektes durch Europa Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 79 |
Antje Dieffenbach (2000) | In situ Bodenlösungschemie in der Rhizosphäre von Fichten-Feinwurzeln Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 75 |
Shih-Chieh Chang (1999) | The effect of stemflow on element fluxes and soil nitrogen transformations in a mixed beech/oak stand in the Steigerwald, Germany Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 72 |
Beate Michalzik (1999) | Flüsse und Dynamik von gelösten organischen Stickstoffverbindungen in einem Fichtenwaldökosystem Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 67 |
Anke Lükewille (1995) | Rekonstruktion der Boden- und Gewässerversauerung in der Langen Bramke (Harz) - Modellierung der Sulfat-Dynamik mit MAGIC (Adsorption) und dem LB-Modell (Ausfällung) Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 21 |
Christine Alewell (1995) | Sulfat-Dynamik in sauren Waldböden - Sorptionsverhalten und Prognose bei nachlassenden Depositionen Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 19 |
Gunda Matschonat (1995) | Zur NH4+-Sorption und NH4+-Fixierung in europäischen Waldböden Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 24 |