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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Lehrstuhl Bodenökologie - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Meike Widdig (2021)Element cycling in grassland soils as driven by stoichiometric homeostasis of microorganisms.

https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/id/eprint/5323-1 mehr...
Giovanni Pastore (2020)Solubilization of Phosphorus, Silicon, and Calcium and Abundance of Phosphorus-solubilizing Bacteria in Temperate Forest Soils

https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/id/eprint/6025-2 mehr...
Christine Heuck (2018)Microbial nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and microbial biomass stoichiometry as dependent on ratios of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of temperate forests.

https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/id/eprint/3799-2 mehr...
Mai Van Dinh (2017)Soluble phosphorus in forest soils: Effects of drying and rewetting

Alexander Guhr (2016)Adaptations of saprotrophic filamentous fungi to drought stress in soils: Hydraulic redistribution through mycelia networks and transcriptional responses

Mi-Hee Lee (2016)Dynamics of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in forest ecosystems

Andreas Bantle (2015)Tree species effects on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from decomposing logs

Marianne Schütt (2014)Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in temperate forest soils at low temperatures

Ulrich Zang (2014)Sensitivity of planted European beech saplings to soil drought

Inken Krüger (2013)Potential of above- and below-ground coarse woody debris as a carbon sink in managed and unmanaged forests

Beate Huhle (2013)Bindungsformen und Mobilität von As in Moorböden

Yao-Te Chen (2011)Gross N turnover and soil solution chemistry as influenced by fluctuations of soil water potential and water table in a Podzol and a fen soil

Kerstin Schulze (2011)Turnover and fluxes of carbon and nitrogen in a spruce forest under natural and extreme meteorological conditions

Bettina Schmidt (2010)Role of dissolved organic nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle of a mountainous forest ecosystem in Taiwan

Jan Muhr (2009)Carbon dynamics under natural and manipulated meteorological boundary conditions in a forest site and a fen ecosystem

Thorsten Scheel (2008)Aluminium stabilisiert gelöste organische Substanz durch Ausfällung

Tobias Zuber (2008)Der Wasserhaushalt der Humusauflage in einem Fichtenbestand

Guido Kossmann (2005)Plant functional traits and ecosystem functions in experimental grasland stands

Jen-How Huang (2004)Biogeochemistry of organotin and organolead compounds in a forested catchment in NE Bavaria, Germany

Annette Prechtel (2004)Release of stored sulphur from acid soils under decreasing sulphur deposition

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Julia Lindenmair (2004)Bedeutung von Grobwurzeln für die Wasser- und Ionenaufnahme von Altfichten - Freilandversuche mit Wurzelkammern -

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Ji-Hyung Park (2002)Dissolved organic matter dynamics in a deciduous forest floor: Controls investigated by field and laboratory experiments

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Kerstin Michel (2002)Nitrogen as a factor of soil organic matter stability in forest soils

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David Schwesig (2001)Umsatz von Hg und Methyl-Hg in Waldökosystemen

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Matthias Stuhrmann (2000)Verbleib eingetragenen Stickstoffs in Waldböden entlang eines klimatischen Transektes durch Europa

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Antje Dieffenbach (2000)In situ Bodenlösungschemie in der Rhizosphäre von Fichten-Feinwurzeln

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Shih-Chieh Chang (1999)The effect of stemflow on element fluxes and soil nitrogen transformations in a mixed beech/oak stand in the Steigerwald, Germany

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Beate Michalzik (1999)Flüsse und Dynamik von gelösten organischen Stickstoffverbindungen in einem Fichtenwaldökosystem

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Anke Lükewille (1995)Rekonstruktion der Boden- und Gewässerversauerung in der Langen Bramke (Harz) - Modellierung der Sulfat-Dynamik mit MAGIC (Adsorption) und dem LB-Modell (Ausfällung)

Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 21
Christine Alewell (1995)Sulfat-Dynamik in sauren Waldböden - Sorptionsverhalten und Prognose bei nachlassenden Depositionen

Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 19
Gunda Matschonat (1995)Zur NH4+-Sorption und NH4+-Fixierung in europäischen Waldböden

Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 24
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