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BayCEER - Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung

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Walther, GR; Berger, S; Sykes, MT: An ecological 'footprint' of climate change, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 272(1571), 1427 (2005)
Recently, there has been increasing evidence of species' range shifts due to changes in climate. Whereas most of these shifts relate ground truth biogeographic data to a general warming trend in regional or global climate data, we here present a reanalysis of both biogeographic and bioclimatic data of equal spatio-temporal resolution, covering a time span of more than 50 years. Our results reveal a coherent and synchronous shift in both species' distribution and climate. They show not only a shift in the northern margin of a species, which is in concert with gradually increasing winter temperatures in the area, they also confirm the simulated species' distribution changes expected from a bioclimatic model under the recent, relatively moderate climate change.
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