Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth


Harold L. Drakepens. Prof.

Harold L. Drake

Professor (retired)
Ecological Microbiology

Phone: +49(0)921/55-5646
Fax: +49(0)921/55-5793
Room: A0.5
e-Mail: HLD(at)Uni-Bayreuth.De

Ecological Microbiology (EMIC)
Dr.-Hans-Frisch-Straße 1-3
95448 Bayreuth

Research interests:

Physiology and Biochemistry of Acetogenic Bacteria

Anaerobic Microbial Processes in Soils

Influence of Environmental Parameters on the Activity of Anaerobic Microbial Processes

Characterization of Soil Microbial Populations Associated with Anaerobic Microbial Processes

Trophic Links between Soil Fauna (like earthworms) and Associated Gut Microbiota

>> Publications
>> Lectures, posters...
>> Projects

last modified 2021-07-08