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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Übung: Ecological Climatology: Measurements and Analyses (GCE:A2b) (24009)

SS 2024
Do.: 16:00-18:00, S 21 (GEO)

Cyrus Samimi, Nina Rholan Hounguè

Exercise, 2 ECTS

Starting date: 18 April 2024

More information within the seminar Ecological Climatology (24008).

Learning Objectives: Climate Ecology is the interface between Ecology, Micrometeorology and Climatology as an interdisciplinary formation to understand the function of terrestrial ecosystems within the climate system. This course integrates the disciplinary areas of Meteorology, Hydrology, Soil Science, Plant Physiology, etc. to understand the physical, chemical and biological processes relevant to climate with which landscape and atmosphere are connected, and which can mutually influence both systems.

In this module, students should develop a problem and processoriented understanding with a variety of scale levels about the interaction between Pedosphere, Biosphere and Atmosphere. Furthermore, students learn to collect and analyse terrain data. 

Course Content: The seminar deals with climate-relevant material and energy flows in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system on different scale levels. In particular, the interrelation between single compartments of ecosystems and their ecological relevance on climate will be dealt with. The course looks at examples of the parameters of climate data collection for terrain and analysis and modelling with particular attention given to scale transitions.

The course looks at examples of the parameters of climate data collection for terrain and analysis and modelling with particular attention given to scale transitions.

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