Abgeschlossene Master-Arbeiten
Sophie Arzberger (2022) | Mikroklimatische Untersuchungen zum Potential von Filtersystemen zur Reinigung der Stadtluft >> mehr... |
Jannis Huss (2021) | Does surface heterogeneity drive turbulence and submeso-scale motions in the wintertime Arctic atmospheric boundary layer? A field study using Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard |
Leyla Sungur (2021) | Mitigating heat accumulation in a mid-size urban area |
Judith Eisenbacher (2021) | Late frost limitation of European beech in mid-range mountains, Fichtelgebirge, Germany |
Tobias Linhardt (2021) | Vertical structure of the lower polar troposphere observed in temperature and wind profiles from fiber-optic distributed sensing on a tethered balloon over Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, the Arctic |
Ricardo Robledo (2020) | Quantitative detection of microplastics, study of their transport and deposition |
Elena Nitzler (2020) | Schwachwindgrenzschicht (DarkMix) Master thesis on weak-wind boundary layer and pressure pumping within a low mountain range spruce canopy (LOWE 2020 experiment) |
Michael Cormann (2020) | Application of 15N labelled slurry in a microplot field study: Ammonia volatilization and plot N balance >> mehr... |
Elena Loos (2020) | Carbon and Energy Exchange in a Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica with regard to El Niño-Southern Oscillation Dynamics >> mehr... |
Valentin Heinzelmann (2019) | Carbon and energy exchange at a submontane grassland site in an extremely dry year >> mehr... |
Isabel Spies (2019) | The Urban Heat Island in Bayreuth >> mehr... |
Elisabeth Skupin (2018) | Der Ausgangszustandsbericht gem. § 10a BImSchG: Inhalt, Funktion, Folgen, Haftung, & Kritik |
Armin Sigmund (2018) | Proof of concept for real-time air mass discrimination at the Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze |
Anita Freundorfer (2017) | Investigating the near-surface airflow and its turbulent and submesoscale statistics for the weak-wind regime from field experiments >> mehr... |
Leila Anna Schuh (2017) | Regional climate regulation by different land cover types: comparing homogeneous and heterogeneous structures in agricultural landscapes >> mehr... |
Katerina Honzakova (2017) | Small-scale variations of climate change in mountainous-forested terrain |
Tobias Wunder (2017) | Erhebung und Auswertung von Windregimen in dichten Waldbeständen |
Laura Ehrnsperger (2017) | Experimental evaluation of the significance of the pressure transport term to the TKE budget across contrasting forests architectures >> mehr... |
Lena Pfister (2016) | Novel insights into the dynamics of cold-air drainage and pooling on a gentle slope from fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing >> mehr... |