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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Mikrometeorologie - Prof. Christoph Thomas

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Abgeschlossene Master-Arbeiten

Sophie Arzberger (2022)Mikroklimatische Untersuchungen zum Potential von Filtersystemen zur Reinigung der Stadtluft >> mehr...
Jannis Huss (2021)Does surface heterogeneity drive turbulence and submeso-scale motions in the wintertime Arctic atmospheric boundary layer? A field study using Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
Leyla Sungur (2021)Mitigating heat accumulation in a mid-size urban area
Judith Eisenbacher (2021)Late frost limitation of European beech in mid-range mountains, Fichtelgebirge, Germany
Tobias Linhardt (2021)Vertical structure of the lower polar troposphere observed in temperature and wind profiles from fiber-optic distributed sensing on a tethered balloon over Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, the Arctic
Ricardo Robledo (2020)Quantitative detection of microplastics, study of their transport and deposition
Elena Nitzler (2020)Schwachwindgrenzschicht (DarkMix)

Master thesis on weak-wind boundary layer and pressure pumping within a low mountain range spruce canopy (LOWE 2020 experiment)
Michael Cormann (2020)Application of 15N labelled slurry in a microplot field study: Ammonia volatilization and plot N balance >> mehr...
Elena Loos (2020)Carbon and Energy Exchange in a Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica with regard to El Niño-Southern Oscillation Dynamics >> mehr...
Valentin Heinzelmann (2019)Carbon and energy exchange at a submontane grassland site in an extremely dry year >> mehr...
Isabel Spies (2019)The Urban Heat Island in Bayreuth >> mehr...
Elisabeth Skupin (2018)Der Ausgangszustandsbericht gem. § 10a BImSchG: Inhalt, Funktion, Folgen, Haftung, & Kritik
Armin Sigmund (2018)Proof of concept for real-time air mass discrimination at the Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze
Anita Freundorfer (2017)Investigating the near-surface airflow and its turbulent and submesoscale statistics for the weak-wind regime from field experiments >> mehr...
Leila Anna Schuh (2017)Regional climate regulation by different land cover types: comparing homogeneous and heterogeneous structures in agricultural landscapes >> mehr...
Katerina Honzakova (2017)Small-scale variations of climate change in mountainous-forested terrain
Tobias Wunder (2017)Erhebung und Auswertung von Windregimen in dichten Waldbeständen
Laura Ehrnsperger (2017)Experimental evaluation of the significance of the pressure transport term to the TKE budget across contrasting forests architectures >> mehr...
Lena Pfister (2016)Novel insights into the dynamics of cold-air drainage and pooling on a gentle slope from fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing >> mehr...
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