Vorlesung/Übung: Models in Micrometeorology: Carbon and water budgets from ecosystem to landscape scale (GM3/PM4/FM4) (28420)
WS 2018/2019
5 days in Febr/Mar 2018, S24b (PC-pool)
Mathias Göckede, Wolfgang Babel
M.Sc. Geoecology , modules GM3, PM4, FM4 (Environmental Physics)
The course will take place as a block course within one week (5 days), expected in February/March 2019, with modelling exercises accompanied by introductory lectures. Successful participation offers 3 ECTS, with an optional term paper written in the weeks after the course. With this option, 5 ECTS could be achieved in total.
There will be a preparatory meeting/ information session on Tu, 13.11., 14:00 in S21
Course material will be distributed via elearning
Course outline
The course aims at providing a general background on modeling concepts that can be used to extrapolate micrometeorological observations in both time and space. The focus in this context will be placed on constraining terrestrial carbon budgets in the context of climate change, as well as energy exchange processes between surface and atmosphere. Spatially explicit estimates of carbon and energy budgets have become an important piece of information for decision makers on various levels. Examples range from international policy efforts to curb anthropogenic fossil fuel emissions such as the Kyoto protocol to decision support for local foresters concerning the net future effect of different management practices in a changing climate.
In the context of this course, we will analyze and discuss different approaches to simulate carbon and energy fluxes, their fundamental assumptions and simplifications in the model algorithms, data requirements, and model products including uncertainties. The overall objective is to provide understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each technique, and how these models can be used to provide information for decision makers and the general public.
The course will be organized into four major thematic blocks
- Preparation of micrometeorological datasets for modeling, data-driven upscaling
- Top-down models: Atmospheric inversion
- Bottom-up modeling I: SVAT models (process-focused)
- Bottom-up modeling II: regional to global scale
Main access to all topics will be provided through lectures, accompanied by computer lab sessions to provide case studies on general model mechanisms and feedback to initial and boundary conditions.
As deliverables to fulfill the requirements general course concept (3 credit points), participating students will be asked to
- present computer lab results
- write a short report on a individual project starting at the end of the semester
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