Vorlesung/Übung: Transport Systems: Links and Fluxes of Energy and Matter between Atmosphere, Pedospere and Biosphere (GCE:A6) (00550)
SS 2019
Mi.: 10:15-11:45, S 21 (GEO); Field lab
Wolfgang Babel, Andrea Carminati, Mutez Ali Ahmed, Andreas Kolb
5 ECTS; for GCE (Module A6), M. Sc. Geoecology (GM3) and M. A. Physical Geography
start date is 24.04.2019 10:15 in S21
Lectures and exercises for this course will be held on wednesdays, 10:15 to 11:45 in general. In addition, there are field days (whole day from 10 AM), sceduled on July 3 and July 10 as well as a classroom lab on July 17 (whole day from 10 AM). Please check the outline as well as the material provided in the respective weeks below
further schedule and course material will be provided via elearning
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