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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Soil Physics

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Diamantopoulos, Efstathios, Prof. Dr.+49(0)921 55 2295 Geo II, 1.12
Glauer, Sabine+49(0)921 55 2247 Geo II, 1.10
Akademischer Rat a.Z.
Leuther, Frederic, Dr.+49(0)921 55 2254 Geo II, 1.06
Doctoral students
Nielsen, Mathilde+49(0)921 55 2170 B2, Room: 7
Vdovenko, Daria+49(0)921 55 2170 B2, Room: 7
Bossinger, Sarah Bayceer
Bachelor students
Johannes, Eurich+49(0)921 55 2341 Geo I, 1.02
Langaki, Alina+49(0)921 55 2341 Geo I, 1.02
Voshage, Juanita+49(0)921 55 2341 Geo I, 1.02
Kolb, Andreas+49(0)921 55 2330 Geo I, 1.15
Student Assistants
Ketterer, Lara+49(0)921 55 2341 Geo I, 1.02
Steinlein, Ilvy+49(0)921 55 2341 Geo I, 1.02
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