Übung: Project Management and Scientific Coordination (74037)
WS 2012/2013
Our first meeting is on 7th November 2012, 12:00 (S 123).
Birgit Thies, Anke Jentsch
In this semester we have the unique situation that the EU-project SIGNAL - "European Gradients of Resilience in the Face of Climate Extremes" is about to start. We will help SIGNAL with the "take-off"!
There are numerous challenging things to be organized across eightccountries - from communication structures and data handling, website, logo, press release and science-policy briefings to the Kick Off meeting in Bayreuth. You will be informed about all processes, take over responsibility for a special task yourself, and follow the countdown
process in weekly meetings with the group.
After the end of the course in February there is an option to continue the work in coordination and management as student assistants (HIWI).
You want to be part of the take-off-team for SIGNAL? Please let us know! Contact: birgit.thies@uni-bayreuth.de.
Our first meeting is on 7th November 2012, 12:00 (S 123).
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