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Exchange Students at UBT


Every year bachelor or master students from Korean members (PIs) of the TERRECO project get the opportunity to come to Bayreuth and study there for one semester. This is usually the case during the winter semester, when all the doctoral students of the project have returned from their field work in Korea and start analyzing their data, attend seminars, and plan the next steps for their projects.


WS 2011/2012

BAE, So-yeon, doctoral student, Seoul National University, Seoul

Environmental Science


LEE, Jihye, master student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Environmental Science


WS 2010/2011

AWAD, Yasser Mahmoud, doctoral student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Effect of polymers on plant residuals decomposition in agroecosystems


JANG, Changwon, doctoral student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Organic carbon cycle in streams and lakes

KANG, Wanmo, doctoral student, Seoul National University

Landscape ecology and conservation biology


KIM, Kiyong, master student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Water chemistry in Haean catchment

LEE, Hyunju, master student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Water quality, carbon and soil export in Haean forest watershed


SEO, Ju-Young, master student, Yonsei University, Seoul

Denitrifier community structure


WS 2009/2010

AWAD, Yasser Mahmoud, doctoral student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Effect of polymers on plant residuals decomposition in agroecosystems


DO, Nayoung, doctoral student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon


Estimation of productivity and evapotranspiration in forests in complex terrain


EUM, Jaesung, doctoral student, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon

Export of phosphorus and nitrogen from agricultural river basins in Korea


KOH, Insu, doctoral student, Seoul National University

Floristic Composition of Bibosoops as Mediated by Seed Dispersal

Letzte Änderung 18.10.2011