TERRECO Posters for Seoul Workshop and GfÖ meeting, September 2009
Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 39th Annual Conference
"Dimensions of Ecology: from Global Change to Molecular Ecology"
Complex TERRain and ECOlogical Heterogeneity (TERRECO): Evaluating Ecosystem Services in Mountainous Landscapes
Transpiration of Tree Species and Stands in Temperate, Mixed Deciduous Forest of South Korea
Eunyoung Jung, Dennis Otieno, and John Tenhunen
Department of Plant Ecology,
Identification of Source Areas and the Role of the Hyporheic Exchange for Nitrate and DOC Export from a Catchment under Monsoonal Climate Conditions
Svenja Bartsch1, Bomchul Kim2, Ji-Hyung Park3, Jeffrey S. Owen3, John Tenhunen4, Stefan Peiffer1, Jan H. Fleckenstein1
1 University of
2 Kangwon National University, Department of Environmental Science
3 Kangwon National University,
4 University of
Soil Hydrology under Different Soil Additives in Artificial Runoff Plots
Marianne Ruidisch1, Sebastian Arnhold1, Janine Kettering2, Bernd Huwe1, Bruno Glaser1, Yakov Kuzyakov2, and Yong Sik Ok3
1 Soil Physics Group,
2 Dept. of Agroecosystem Research,
3 Dept. of Biological Environment,
Soil Erosion and Management Measures in the Haean Catchment of Korea
1 Department of Soil Physics,
2 Department of Agroecosystem Research,
3 Department of Biological Environment,
4 Department of Plant Ecology,
N Cycle and Retention of Croplands in Complex Terrain in South Korea
J. Kettering1, S. Arnhold2, Y. Kuzyakov1, B. Lee3, S. Lindner3, Y. Ok4, M. Ruidisch2, J.Tenhunen3
1 University of
2 University of
3 University of
4 Kangwon National University, Department of Biological Environment
Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in Croplands of South Korea
Bora Lee, Steve Lindner, Eunyoung Jung, Bumsuk Seo, Gian-Reto Walther, Dennis Otieno, and John Tenhunen
Department of Plant Ecology,
Comparison of N2O, NOx and CH4 Fluxes as affected by Land Use Systems and Climate in the Eger Basin , Fichtelgebirge, and in Small Catchments in Korea
Sina Berger1, Gerhard Gebauer1, Jae E. Yang2, Yong Sik Ok2
1 Department of Plant Ecology,
2 Department of Biological Environment,
Role of Weeds on Bioproductivity and CO2 Exchange in the Agroecosystems in Haean-myun Basin of South Korea
Steve Lindner, Bora Lee, Gian-Reto Walther, Emily Martin, Eunyoung Jung, Bumsuk Seo, Dennis Otieno, and John Tenhunen
Department of Plant Ecology,
Effects of Landscape Context and Management Practices on Insect Diversity and Biological Pest Control
Emily Martin1, Steve Lindner2, Bumsuk Seo2, Chan-Ryul Park3, Gian-Reto Walther2, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter1
1 Department of Animal Population Ecology,
2 Department of Plant Ecology,
3 Division of Forest Ecology, Korean Forest Research Institute,
Quantification of Herbivory in Different management Systems - Comparing Conventional to Organic Rice Farming using Pomacea canaliculata as a Biological Weed Control Agent in the Haean-myun Catchment, South Korea
Kati Wenzel1, Gian-Reto Walther2, Fred Jopp1, and John Tenhunen2
1 Free University of
The Impact of Socio-Economic Land-Use Decisions on Ecosystem Services in a South Korean Watershed
Patrick Poppenborg1, Thomas Koellner1, John Tenhunen2
1 Research Group for Ecological Services,
2 Department of Plant Ecology,
Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in Croplands of South Korea: Economic Simulation Model for Agriculture in Soyang Watershed of South Korea
Nguyen Trung Thanh and John Tenhunen
Department of Plant Ecology,
Water Use and Distribution in Kangwon Province
Youngsun Kim1, Detlef Müller-Mahn1, and John Tenhunen2
1 Department of Population and Social Geography,
2 Department of Plant Ecology,
Developing a basin scale crop yield/production model closely linked with agricultural science
Bumsuk Seo1, Nguyen Trung Thanh1, Bora Lee1, Ralf Geyer1, Thomas Koellner2, and John Tenhunen1
1 Department of Plant Ecology, University of Bayreuth
2 Professorship of Ecological Services, University of Bayreuth
The Political Ecology of Climate Change – Adaptation Strategies of Farmers in Haean
Susann Trabert1, Detlef Müller-Mahn1, and John Tenhunen2
1 Department of Population and Social Geography,
2 Department of Plant Ecology,