LandMod 2010: International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling
Montpellier, France, February 3–5, 2010
"In order to enlarge their views and build an international state of the art about integrative landscape modelling, software modelling and simulation platforms applied to landscape dynamics, this research network launches the 2010 International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling, in February 2010 in Montpellier."
Papers from TERRECO members:
Landscape level carbon and water balances and agricultural production in mountainous terrain of the Haean Basin, South Korea ; Lee, B.(1) ; Tenhunen, J.(1) ; Geyer, R.(1) ; Seo, B.(1) ; Li, Y.(2) ; Kang, S.(3) ; (1) University of Bayreuth ; (2) South China Botanical Garden ; (3) Kangwon National University ; 12 p. (link to pdf)
A South Korean case study of social-ecologically-based management of ecosystem services: Global change impacts on agricultural production versus water quality in mountain landscapes ; Tenhunen, J.(1) ; Members of the TERRECO Project(2) ; (1) University of Bayreuth ; (2) ; 16 p. (link to pdf)