Climate Change and Validation of Rice and Root Crop Production Models
TERRECO Cluster A-01
Von 09/2012 bis 01/2016Projektleiter: Christiane Werner, John Tenhunen, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Jonghan Ko
Mitarbeiter: Bhone Nay Htoon
Abstract: Understanding the ecohydrological processes of paddy rice production is of major importance, since rice, the second largest produced cereal in the world, is one of the most important crop in the Haean Catchment. Clear understanding of the ecohydrological processes of paddy rice production will improve our understanding of the atmosphere-crop-soil interactions. An important parameter for plant production is water use efficiency (WUE), which can be assessed in different ways, depending on the scale and process under investigation. However, there is still much controversy regarding different WUE-methods. Moreover combining different information and methods to assess WUE across scales has not yet been achieved. This study follows two objectives: i) To analyse ecosystem Water Use Efficiency (WUE) of rice along a gradient in water and fertilizer treatments from the leaf, stand, and field scales by combining innovative new techniques such as stable isotope analysis and remote sensing; ii) To analyze ecohydrological processes of the paddy rice dominant farming system in the Haean Catchment, contributing to overall goals of TERRECO to assess carbon, water and nutrient balances in complex landscapes, and to estimate the influences of climate and land use change in the context of scenarios on ecosystem services derived from complex terrain.
Microscale WUE (leaf) will be analyzed by Δ13C stable isotopes and gas exchange (Assimilation / Transpiration). WUE (Canopy) will be assessed by evapotranspiration partitioning by δ18O stable isotope laser spectroscopy and chamber carbon fluxes. At the mesoscale seasonal changes in WUE (field) will be continuously recorded through eddy-covariance technique from a field based eddy tower (GPP / ET). With the help of CropScan, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV – poster 57) and MODIS, macroscale WUE of the landscape will deliver new information on spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem processes. The results will be systematically linked to model the multiscale WUE, water and carbon fluxes of the paddy rice dominant ecosystem.
The expected output is a complete ecosystem WUE evaluation for rice, which will be added to multiscale ecosystem WUE research. Water and carbon fluxes of paddy rice dominant ecosystem will be added to TERRECO’s ecosystem fluxes database. By linking remote sensing data and the functional information from isotope analysis a new technique to scale functional information to the landscape level will be developed.
Key words: Water Use Efficiency, Paddy rice ecosystem, Δ13C analysis, δ18O analysis, ecohydrological process, remote sensing