Emily Martin: Curriculum Vitae
◊ Since 2009, PhD candidate in Animal Ecology / Population Ecology, University of Bayreuth (Germany). Advisors: Steffan-Dewenter, I. (Univ. Würzburg) Reineking, B., Dettner, K. (Univ. Bayreuth)
◊ October 2008 Graduation (Eng. in agronomy) from AgroParisTech (France);
◊ October 2008 MSc. in Evolution biology, Ecology, Environment with honours from the University of Montpellier II (France)
◊ 2004-2008 Undergraduate and graduate studies in biology, agronomy & environmental sciences at the Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (AgroParisTech, ex- INA Paris-Grignon) and the University of Montpellier II (France)
◊ 2002-2004 Undergraduate preparatory school (biology & environmental sciences) for admission to the French “Grandes Ecoles”, Lycée Michel Montaigne, Bordeaux (France)
◊ 2002 Scientific baccalaureate with honours; majors in Mathematics and American English (OIB), Lycée Francois Magendie, Bordeaux (France)
◊ 2009-present TERRECO WP 3-07 Effects of landscape context and management practices on insect diversity and biological pest control: patterns of habitat use and multitrophic interactions in an agroecosystem of South Korea
◊ 2008-2009 Bird diversity conservation in agricultural landscapes of Madagascar: study of the contribution of traditional landscape management to conservation
◊ 2006-2007 Ethnobotany and natural resource management of the Orang Mentawai, Island of Siberut, Indonesia
◊ 2006 Cross-cultural investigations on gender-linked food inequalities, and their links with height dimorphism between sexes
Peer-reviewed articles
Martin, E.A., Reineking, B., Seo, B., Steffan-Dewenter, I. 2013. Natural enemy interactions constrain pest control in complex agricultural landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110(14):5534-5539.
Martin, E. A., M. Viano, L. Ratsimisetra, F. Laloë, S. M. Carrière. 2012. Maintenance of bird functional diversity in a traditional agroecosystem of Madagascar. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 149:1-9.
Martin, E. A., L. Ratsimisetra, F. Laloë, S. M. Carrière. 2009. Conservation value for birds of traditionally managed isolated trees in an agricultural landscape of Madagascar. Biodiversity and Conservation 18(10): 2719-2742.
Oct. 2011 – Martin, E. A., C.-R. Park, D. Lee, B. Reineking, I. Steffan-Dewenter. 2011. Effects of landscape context and management practices on the natural enemies of insect pests. Workshop presentation abstract. TERRECO integration workshop, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Sept. 2011 – Martin, E. A., C.-R. Park, D. Lee, B. Reineking, I. Steffan-Dewenter. 2011. Effects of landscape context and management on the natural enemies of insect pests. Symposium abstract. In Evaluating the drivers of biodiversity patterns: plant-animal interactions and relationships with environmental variables, symposium of the 2011 Annual conference of the GfÖ, Oldenburg, Germany.
Apr. 2010 – Martin, E. A., C.-R. Park, D. Lee, I. Steffan-Dewenter. 2010. Herbivore limitation and natural enemy interactions: responses to landscape, management and impacts on ecosystem functioning. Workshop presentation abstract. In S. Berger, J. Kettering, B. Lee, S. Lindner, E. A. Martin. Flux regulation, N balances and production in agroecosystems of the Haean catchment – an integrated experiment. TERRECO integration workshop, BayCEER, Bayreuth, Germany.
Sept. 2009 – Walther G.-R., S. Lindner, I. Steffan-Dewenter, E. A. Martin, B. Lee. 2009. Biodiversity influences on agricultural production. Symposium abstract. In TERRECO: Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity, symposium of the 2009 Annual conference of the GfÖ, Bayreuth, Germany.
June 2009 – Aumeeruddy Y., V. Rafidison, S. M. Carrière, E. A. Martin, M. Hossaert, F. Kjellberg. 2009. La vie sociale des figuiers de Madagascar: des arbres au coeur de réseaux de connectivités biotiques et sociales. Conference abstract. Le Réveil du Dodo III, Montpellier 2009.
June 2008 – Carrière, S. M., M. Viano, E. Ifticène, P. Roche, J. Randriamalala, E. A. Martin. 2008. Quel développement durable et quelle conservation aux abords du corridor Ranomafana-Andringitra ? L’apport de l’écologie : du paysage à la parcelle. [Dealing with sustainable development and conservation near the Ranomafana-Andringitra forest corridor: the contribution of ecology, from landscape to parcel scales.] Seminar ANR-ADD DEDUCTION (Ecole Nationale d’Informatique-IRD-INRA-CEMAGREF-CNRS), 15-24th june 2008, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar.
Aug. 2008 – Martin, E. A., M. Lacoste, C. Abegg and K. Hodges. 2008. Traditional land use practices of Politioman village: how do the Mentawai use their forest? Symposium abstract. In The Siberut Conservation Programme: Integrating field research and applied conservation, Symposium of the 22nd International Primatological Society 2008 Congress, Edinburgh.
Aug. 2008 – Lacoste, M., C. Deschamps, T. Fauvel, R. Figueras, J-B. Marre, E. A. Martin, C. Abegg and K. Hodges. 2008. Evolution and sustainability of agricultural management in North Siberut. Symposium abstract. In The Siberut Conservation Programme: Integrating field research and applied conservation, Symposium of the 22nd International Primatological Society 2008 Congress, Edinburgh.
Sept. 2011 – Martin, E. A., C.-R. Park, D. Lee, B. Reineking, I. Steffan-Dewenter. 2011. Measuring effects of natural enemy interactions on crop yield and herbivory: what importance of the landscape context? Poster. In Trophic interactions and ecosystem functioning in real-world landscapes, symposium of the 12th Congress of the European Ecological Federation, Àvila, Spain.
Sept. 2009 – Martin E. A., Lindner S., Seo B., Park C.R., Walther G.-R., Steffan-Dewenter I. 2009. Effects of landscape context and management practices on insect diversity and biological pest control. Poster. In TERRECO: Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity, symposium of the 2009 annual conference of Gfö, Bayreuth, Germany.
Sept. 2009 – Lindner S., Lee B., Walther G.-R., Martin E. A., Jung E., Seo B., Otieno D., Tenhunen J. 2009. Role of weeds on bioproductivity and CO2 exchange in the agroecosystems in the Haean-myun basin in South Korea. Poster. In TERRECO: Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity, symposium of the 2009 annual conference of Gfö, Bayreuth, Germany.
Aug. 2009 – Martin, E. A. and S. M. Carrière. 2009. Distribution of specialist and generalist bird species in a forest-agriculture mosaic of Madagascar. Poster. 2009 Joint meeting ATBC/Gtö, Marbürg, Germany.
Editorial contributions
Peer review
Ecography; Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Selected Native speaker check / Language editing
Hendriksma H. P., Härtel S., Steffan-Dewenter I. Assessing environmental risks of stacked Bt-maize pollen on honey bee larvae. Transgenic Research, accepted manuscript.
Brückmann S., Krauss J., van Achterberg C., Steffan-Dewenter I. 2010. The impact of habitat fragmentation on trophic interactions of the monophagous butterfly Polyommatus coridon. Journal of Insect Conservation. doi: 10.1007/s10841-010-9370-7
Brückmann S. V., Krauss J., Steffan-Dewenter I. 2010. Butterfly and plant specialists suffer from reduced connectivity in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47: 799–809. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01828.x
Holzschuh A., Steffan-Dewenter I., Tscharntke T. 2010. How do landscape composition and configuration, organic farming and fallow strips affect the diversity of bees, wasps and their parasitoids? Journal of Animal Ecology, 79: 491–500. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01642.x
Koh I., Kim S., Lee D. 2010. Effects of bibosoop plantation on wind speed, humidity, and evaporation in a traditional agricultural landscape of Korea: Field measurements and modeling. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 135:294-303.
French-English Translation
Randriamalala J. R., Randriamboavonjy J.-C., Hervé D., Carrière S. M. Effects of cropping practices on diversity and structure of early fallow successions in Ranomafana-Andringitra forested corridor, Madagascar. Submitted manuscript.
Ramaroson J. H., Randriamahaleo S., Hervé D. Modelling involvement in a game of actors: the territory game for forest conservation in Madagascar. Submitted manuscript.