A core research agenda for mountain regions
Presenting person: Prof. Alfred Becker, PIK, PotsdamWe. 2010-01-13 (18:00-19:30), H6
Contact: John Tenhunen
A characteristic feature of high mountains is their vertical zonation into elevational belts with distinct climates: (1) the snow- and ice-covered nival belt, (2) the alpine belt (treeless, above treeline), (3) the mainly forested montane belt (below treeline), (4) the valley floors and forelands. This sequence of belts, and their differences and interactions along elevational gradients, contribute to the environmental and biological diversity of high mountain regions, which offer unparalleled challenges and options for geophysical and biological research, and for conservation and ecosystem services in the context of global climate change. They share a common concept, are distributed all over the world, and are capable of performing special investigations, including research. These issues are briefly discussed and after that a core research agenda was developed, which was particularly designed for Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MBR).
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