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Exercise course: Terrestrial ecosystems, land use and global change ()

WS 2009/2010
Tu.: 08:00-10:00, H 10

John Tenhunen


Week 1        October 20         

From Synecology and Process Research to Global Change and Social-Ecological Systems (Tenhunen)


Week 2        October 27         

Evaluating Ecosystem Services, Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Ecosystem Science (Tenhunen)


Week 3        November 3        

Ecosystem Physiology and Production Processes (Tenhunen)

Leaf gas exchange, stand level carbon fluxes, growth processes


Week 4        November 10      

Carbon and Water Flux Evaluations in Ecosystems (Otieno and Lüers)

Sapflow methodology and eddy measurements


Week 5        November 17      

Carbon and Water Flows through Ecosystems and Network Carbon Balance Evaluations 1: Results (Tenhunen)


Week 6        November 24      

Carbon and Water Flows through Ecosystems and Network Carbon Balance Evaluations 2: Differentiation in Ecosystem Control Points (Tenhunen)


Week 7        December 1        

Landscape Physiology and Production Models (Tenhunen)


Week 8        December 8        

Storage and Loss of Carbon from Soils Related to Global Landuse 1 (Borken)

Respiration fluxes


Week 9        December 15       no lecture


Week 10      December 22      

Storage and Loss of Carbon from Soils Related to Global Landuse 2 (Borken)

Influences of biochar, DOC fluxes and sensitivities


Week 11                                  no lecture


Week 12      January 12         

Nutrient Uptake and Release in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Trace Gas Emissions (Gebauer)

Nutrient retention and release from landscapes, plant N and P requirements, N and P uptake


Week 13      January 19         

Nutrient Uptake and Release in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Trace Gas Emissions (Gebauer)

N and P uptake, trace gas emissions, greenhouse gas balances in relation to land use change


Week 14      January 26         

Biodiversity Concepts and Relations with Ecosystem Function (Steffan-Dewenter)


Week 15      February2          

Landscape Structure, Insect Populations and Ecosystem Services (Steffan-Dewenter)


Week 16      February 9         

Theory of Invasions and Weedy Impacts on Crops (Walther)


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last modified 2009-10-13