Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



Gerhard Gebauer: Projects

  • Relationships between denitrification rates and denitrifier abundance determined by molecular approaches (TERRECO WP 2-04)
    Hojeong Kang, Gerhard Gebauer [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01)
    Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park [Details]

  • Comparisons of N2O and CH4 fluxes as affected by land use systems and climate in small catchments in Korea (TERRECO WP 3-04)
    Sina Berger, Gerhard Gebauer, Hojeong Kang [Details]