Name: Kanyi Luke Lukaria
Kenya Wildlife Service
Western Conservation Area
Ruma National Park
P.O Box 420 – 40300
Cell +254720 208 984, +254734 095 249
Tel. (Office) +254 (020) 3529119
Date of Birth: February 28th, 1975.
Nationality: Kenyan
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Christianity
Languages spoken: English and Kiswahili
- Kenya Institute of Management – Post graduate diploma in Project Management 2013 (winding up in December 2013)
- MSc in Environmental Science – Maseno University 2013(In research stage on factors influencing grazers’ distribution in Ruma N. Park (mainly on grass biomass, species abundance, landscape and water availability)
- Management of Tsetse populations in conservation areas – KARI – TRC 2012
- License certificate for Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit – National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA 2012)
- Certificate of participation on community training on the Pro – Poor Tourism Development, Marketing and Management – Moi University 2011
- Certificate of participation on “Important Bird Areas Biodiversity Monitoring” Nature Kenya September 2011
- Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Audit – University of Nairobi 2011
- ArcGis Desktop I, II & III – ESRI Oakar Services (2009)
- Biodiversity conservation – Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute (2009)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Theology – Discover Bible School (2003)
- Bsc. (Hons) in Forestry – Moi University (2000)
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (B Plain) – Nyambene High school 1993
- Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (65 Points) – Elsa Primary School 1989
- Contribution in Important Bird Areas annual Journal in Kenya since 2007
- Contribution in an article, “the challenges and opportunities for conserving of some threatened species in Kenya”, in the George Wright Society Journal of Parks, Protected Areas and Cultural Sites. Vol. 29 No. 1 of 2012. PP81 – 89
- Contribution on the KWS calendar in the Month of December 2012 by providing the literature and the Roan Antelope Photograph. KWS, 2012,
· Moi University Forestry Students Association (MUFSA) 1999 – 2000
- Trainers of Trainers Training on Database Management (SMART) April 2013
- “Important Bird Areas Biodiversity Monitoring” Nature Kenya September 2011
- Trainers of Trainers Training on Database Management (MIST) April 2011
- Analytical Methods on Biodiversity (PRESENCE & DISTANCE) December 2010
- IUFRO – FORNNESA 1st Regional Congress Nairobi 2012
- International conference on the 3rd PATTEC Partners’ Resource mobilisation for eradicating Tsetse – Mombasa December 2011
- Regional conference for Roan Antelope conservation strategy Homabay August 2011
- International Conference on Tropical Forest Resources Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology 2011
- International Conference on the Strategy for Conservation of Mountain Bongo Nairobi 2010
- International Conference for the Strategy to Combat Climate Change Green Hills Nyeri 2009
Computer literate
I can work comfortably and run the following programmes that I have learnt in the above courses and on the job;
- Ms Office Word
- Ms Office Excel
- Ms Office PowerPoint
- Ms Office Access
- Ms Office Outlook
- Ms Office Publisher
- Ms Office Info Path
- Email and Internet Explorer
- From September 1996 – August 1997 I taught Chemistry / Physics at St. Joseph’s Boys High school. Learnt to deal with pupils of different disciplines, backgrounds and calibre in addition to relationship with other teachers.
- May 1998-July 1998: Field Attachment in Timboroa Forest Station where I was involved in Forest administration, Forest Management, Forest inventory, Afforestation, Forest produce sales and marketing and Storekeeping among others. In the process I acquired skills like; Sustainable production practices, Resource scheduling, proper work ethics and Communication skills at different levels of management.
- Worked for my Senior Research Project at Moi University (1999 – 2000) on, “Farmers’ indigenous knowledge on Prunus afrcana” to enhance domestication to revert its disappearance rate that is threatening the species to the extinction. Prunus Africana is registered in appendix II of CITES and thus endangered. This was my initial gear to my research skills that I had learnt in my Bsc course. It also gave me a benchmark on how to carry out PRAs.
- From June – August 2000 I worked for a European Union (EU) Research Project in questionnaire development and Data collection on the impact of using Tephrosia vogeli, Tephrosia candida, Calliandra calothyrsus and Crotolaria ochreleuca for incorporation to Agro forestry practices in Luero, Funyula and Butula based in the KEFRI /ICRAF Maseno Research Station.
- From October 2001 – April 2002 I taught biology and Agriculture at St. Dominic Fly – Over Academy. Another encounter with students.
- From August – October 2002 I worked for Kisima Farm on their private forests. Carried out an inventory to quantify timber worth on the farm as at that time and market price Ceteris paribus in addition to species enrichment in the forested areas. I also carried out contour levelling for afforestation in gullied and other degraded areas. Supervised afforestation programmes.
- From November 2002 – June 2003 I worked for Natural Resources Management Trust in developing questionnaires, data collection and analysis concerning problems and conflict resolutions in Ngare – Nything / Ngare – Sirgon Water Users Association (WUA) for NRMT Database. This equipped me with further skills on PRA.
- From December 2003 – October 2005 I supervised the construction, height levelling, influent and effluent pipe fixtures, identification and introduction of the wetlands plant species to the constructed wetlands for it to function as a waste water cleaning machinery for water recycling purposes for reuse in a horticultural farm - Lolomarik in addition to protecting the environment against pollution. Also I had to keep a track record of the changes and occurrences in the constructed wetlands putting emphasis on disappearance and emergence of new plant forms side by side to immigration and emigration of animal life forms. The constructed wetlands also provided a learning facility such as effective use of a Dumpy Level / Theodolite, fauna and flora community interaction, carrying capacity, succession, immigration and emigration among others.
- From December 2004 to date guidance and counselling, HIV / AIDS awareness and capacity building to individuals and community groups.
- From October 2005 in addition to constructed wetlands supervision, I also worked as the community liaison officer in Timau and Ethi Locations where I introduced and ran pilot project such as tree nurseries, micro – drip (Bucket kit) irrigation plots, agro forestry, water harvesting techniques, proposal writing and linkage to stakeholders.
- From December 2005 I was appointed as the project manager Ngusishi Water Users Association (NWUA) in addition to being the Community Liaison Officer and the Constructed Wetland Supervisor. As the project manager I had to call for meetings, convene all the water users to solve conflicts, write invoice to members owing the project, present receipts and prepare financial statements. I started river line rehabilitation by afforestation, produce water-rationing schedule in case of drought, writing proposals for funding the association’s projects and linking the water users to other stakeholders.
- 4th November 2006 resigned as the Project Manager Ngusishi Water Users Association, Community Liaison Officer and the Constructed Wetlands Supervisor to pursue my vision and mission in a conservation field.
- From January 2007 Feb – Sept2010: Internship (Volunteer / Casual) in the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Department of Biodiversity, Research and Monitoring, Mweiga Research Station Mountain conservation Area as a Research Scientist. In the station, I am betrothed with the following responsibilities;
- Biodiversity inventories
- Research, Monitoring and Evaluation on ecosystem components
- Proposal writing
- Management of the Research Database
- Rehabilitation of degraded areas as in the pilot project in Tree Tops area in Aberdare National Park to act as a benchmark of other such areas.
- Reconnaissance survey and mapping of MKEPP/GEF rehabilitation projects in Mount Kenya National Park and National Reserve.
- Community-based organization in wildlife utilization projects aimed at poverty alleviations
- Was involved in Biodiversity assessment in Mt. Kenya for MKEPP / GEF for developing a management baseline
- Installation of weather station, their data collection, editing, analysis and reporting on recommendations and the way forward
- Inspection of private farms for permit processing on wildlife farming
- Was involved in the Pan – African Tsetse and Trypanasomiasis eradication campaign (PATTEC) in the tsetse-infested areas covered by the Mountain Conservation Area like Mwea National Reserve in Mbeere.
- Was involved in the development of a climate change strategy in Central Kenya.
- Was actively involved in development of Aberdare and Mt. Kenya Ecosystem management plan
- 15th July 2010 attended an interview at the KWS Hqs in Lang’ata Nairobi for the position of an Assistant Research Scientist Job grade “7”in the grading structure and salary scales.
- 22nd September 2010 got the appointment letter for the position of Assistant Research Scientist 1 in Kenya Wildlife Service which is at Job grade “7” in the grading structure and salary scales. I was moved from Mountain Conservation Area, Mweiga Research Station where I was on temporary appointment to Western Conservation Area, Ruma National Park after the appointment via a radio message dated 24th September 2010.
- 22nd September to date: In Ruma National Park Working as an Assistant Research Scientist 1 in the Department of Biodiversity Research and Monitoring.
Interests and hobbies
- Interested in contributing on research activities that would lead to development of scientific models to add on to the knowledge of conservation
- Watching nature based movies
- Making new friends and assisting others
- Visiting the less fortunate
- Learning (In the process of an MSc in Environmental Science and a PGD in Project Management
- Listening to Music
Mr. Fredrick Lala
Senior Research Scientist
Kenya wildlife Service
Western Conservation Area
P.O. Box
Tel. +254 ((0)20) 2630657
Mobile: +254721 764 562
Mr. Kanyanya Mutenyo
PATTEC Regional Coordinator
Lake Victoria Basin
Provincial Zoologist
Nyanza Province
P.O. Box 66
Telegrams: ‘‘PROMIFUGO’’, Kisumu
Fax: Kisumu 2025071
Tel. +254 ((0)20) 2025071
Mobile: +254727165325
Mr. Gordon A.V. Murray
Director Marania Ltd.
Lolomarik Farm
P.O. Box 33
Timau, 10402
Tel. +254 (062) 41410 / 32721 / 2
Mobile: +254722 528 428
Fax +254 (062) 41075