Dr. eng.
Kabok Peter Aguko
Beteiligter Wissenschaftler
Telefon: +254 057 2027227
kabpaguko(at)yahoo.comLake Basin Development Authority
P.O. Box 1516-40100
Lake Basin Development Authority
Managing Director of Lake Basin Development Authority
Professional experience on:
- Water: water supply, irrigation, drainage and related rural structures, alternative natural energy (research experience in wind energy), processing of agricultural products (interest in physical processing of Agricultural Products) and their environmental demands
- Management at senior level, rural development issues, policy matters and participation in a number of seminars as facilitator and participant
- Consultancy contracts with NGO’S (Vired International, Osienala, Deprotecs and Compassion Ministries) all financed by International Donors
- Associate Consultant with Engineering firms, the SABBOUR Associates of Egypt in association with CAS Consultants of Kenya, Agrisystems, Log associates, and Hap Technical Consultancy Services
Curriculum Vitae