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Vortragsreihe Ökologie und Umweltforschung WS 2023/24

Prof. Dr. Laurel ThomasArrigo
Environmental Chemistry Group, University of Neuchâtel (Homepage)
Donnerstag, 11.01.2024 ,

Iron mineral dynamics modulate organic carbon cycling in Iceland wetland soils

Icelandic soils store an estimated ~2.1 Pg of soil organic carbon. This is due, in part, to the high iron mineral content of the volcanic-influenced soils and the generally cooler temperatures typical of high latitude soils. However, with climate change, warming soil temperatures are leading to shifts in hydrologic regimes and changes in soil redox conditions. Yet, our understanding of how changing redox conditions affects the iron biogeochemical cycle and the associated impact on the storage, mobilization and mineralization of organic carbon in Icelandic soils remains largely unknown.

In this presentation, I will explore the coupled biogeochemical cycling of iron and carbon in mineral-rich Icelandic wetland soils, presenting examples from both field and lab-based experiments. The results reveal the nature and importance of iron mineral-organic carbon interactions in Icelandic soils and provide insight into mechanisms and vulnerabilities of iron mineral protection of organic carbon under changing climate.


*** invited by BayCEER member Stefan Peiffer

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