Das BayCEER-Kolloquium ist eine interdisziplinäre Plattform für Studierende, Wissenschaftler*innen und Interessierte: I.d.R. wöchentlich (in der Vorlesungszeit) werden Vorträge im Themenfeld Ökologie und Umweltwissenschaften gehalten, die anschließend im Plenum und in lockerer Atmosphäre während des Postkolloquiums diskutiert werden können. Gerne kann das Mittagessen mitgebracht werden (Brown Bag Lunch).

Programm Kolloquium Sommer 2024
(PDF) **** Kolloquiums-Newsletter für Interessierte **** Hinweise für Vortragende **** Hinweise für Einladende (PDF)


Terminplanung kommende Semester und Vortragsarchiv BayCEER Kolloquium

Vortragsreihe Ökologie und Umweltforschung WS 2009/10

Alle Termine
Dr. Thanh Nguyen
University of Bayreuth, Department of Plant Ecology
Donnerstag, 29.10.2009 16:15-17:45 H6

Agricultural Policy Analysis: The cases of Vietnam and South Korea

Eingeladen durch Dr. Lüers.

The presentation presents two case studies on agricultural policy analysis from economic point of view. The one in Vietnam, which had completed, examined the impact of land reform policy on the economy of farm households with regard to three important aspects (1) agricultural production (inputs and outputs) which can help to reduce poverty; (2) land market operation (land rental and land sales) which can promote efficiency of resource use and promote economic structural change; and (3) afforestation by farm households which contributes to rehabilitation of natural resources. The study used multivariate econometric regression and cost-benefit analysis to examine the issues from household perspective. The case study in South Korea, which is at its initial stage, simply reflect what are going to be done in the next two years from economic perspective. This research is part of the TERRECO project of BayCEER. Different methodological issues will be presented for these two projects. At the beginning of the presentation, some basic concepts on economics are demonstrated to facilitate the audience who are not familiar with economics for better understanding the two case studies. It is also worth to remind that the presentation is not intended to compare these two countries.

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Luftdruck (356m): 966.8 hPa
Lufttemperatur: 11.5 °C
Niederschlag: 0.0 mm/24h
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