Vortragsreihe Ökologie und Umweltforschung SS 2012
Dr. Peter Leimgruber
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, Front Royal, VA
Montag, 09.07.2012 17:00-18:30, H6
(Achtung: H6) Species Conservation and Geospatial Analysis—Challenges and Opportunities
Achtung; Hörsaal H6
Species are a fundamental conservation unit and often serve as flagships to communicate the value and importance of conservation to the public and policy makers. Geospatial analysis has become an essential component in the conservation toolbox, allowing us to identify and prioritize species conservation hotspots, assess species habitat needs, develop species distribution models and quantify the effects of climate changes on species distributions. Yet, many significant challenges remain; specifically how to best assess and quantify spatio-temporal dynamics of both species distribution and habitat quality.
In my presentation, I will give a brief overview of the current use of geospatial analysis in species conservation. Using Smithsonian research examples on nomadic Mongolian gazelles and Asian elephants, I will then address how geospatial analysis may be used in the conservation of highly mobile species and their dynamic habitats.
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