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Vortragsreihe Ökologie und Umweltforschung WS 2017/18

Dr. Ning Chen
Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon (Homepage)
Donnerstag, 14.12.2017 12:00-13:30,

A Molecular Scale Approach: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Environmental Study

Canadian Light Source

As one of the most extensively applied synchrotron techniques, X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy plays a unique role in many scientific areas. Its element specific local structure probing capabilities make molecular level understanding for both crystalline and amorphous systems possible.

This presentation will first present X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) facilities and capabilities specific to the Hard X-ray MicroAnalysis (HXMA) beamline at the Canadian Light Source. HXMA is a wiggler-sourced hard X-ray beamline with an energy coverage of 5–40 keV, which is currently the only hard X-ray extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) beamline available for Canadian Light Source users.

biofilmThe presentation will further focus on the principles of XAS as well as its applications. Two X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) theoretical molding guided case studies which will be specifically discussed are (1) the speciation of chromite in a biochar system, and the corresponding size estimation for the sub-nano scale chromite particle of the system, and (2) speciation of vanadyl porphyrins in the oil sands fluid petroleum coke from Alberta, Canada, respectively.


Invited by Martin Obst, Experimental Biogeochemistry,
as lecturer for the workshop on synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy


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