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Gian-Reto Walther: Publikationen

Irl, SDH; Jentsch, A; Walther, GR: Papaver croceum LEDEB. - a rare example of an alien species in alpine environments of the Upper Engadine, Switzerland, Alpine Botany, 123(1), 21-30 (2013), doi:10.1007/s00035-013-0111-x -- Details
Beierkuhnlein, C; Foken, T; Schmid, N; Wolf, B; Gohlke, A; Alt, M; Thomas, S M; Stahlmann, R; Dech, S; Jentsch, A; Kuzyakov, Y; Matzner, E; Menzel, A; Peiffer, S; Rötzer, T; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tenhunen, J; Walther, GR; Burghardt, D; Wiesenberg, G; Glaser, B; Jacobeit, J; Pretzsch, H; Beck, C; Melzer, A; Erhard, D: Klimawandel in Bayern. Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 113, 501 S. (2008) [Link] -- Details
Berger, S; Walther, GR: Distribution of evergreen broad-leaved woody species in Insubria in relation to bedrock and precipitation, BOTANICA HELVETICA, 116(1), 65-77 (2006) -- Details
Gassmann, F; Klotzli, F; Walther, GR: Vegetation change shows generic features of non-linear dynamics, JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, 16(6), 703-712 (2005) -- Details
Grund, K; Conedera, M; Schroder, H; Walther, GR: The role of fire in the invasion process of evergreen broad-leaved species, Basic and Applied Ecology, 6(1), 47-56 (2005) -- Details
Walther, GR; Beissner, S; Burga, CA: Trends in the upward shift of alpine plants, JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, 16(5), 541-548 (2005) -- Details
Walther, GR; Berger, S; Sykes, MT: An ecological 'footprint' of climate change, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 272(1571), 1427 (2005) -- Details
Walther, GR; Hughes, L; Vitousek, P; Stenseth, NC: Consensus on climate change, TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 20(12), 648-649 (2005)
Walther, GR: Plants in a warmer world, PERSPECTIVES IN PLANT ECOLOGY EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS, 185, 6(3), 169 (2004) -- Details
Walther, GR: Are there indigenous palms in Switzerland?, BOTANICA HELVETICA, 113(2), 159 (2003) -- Details
Walther, GR: Weakening of climatic constraints with global warming and its consequences for evergreen broad-leaved species, FOLIA GEOBOTANICA, 37(1), 129-139 (2002) -- Details
Walther, GR; Post, E; Convey, P; Menzel, A; Parmesan, C; Beebee, TJC; Fromentin, JM; Hoegh-Guldberg, O; Bairlein, F: Ecological responses to recent climate change, Nature, 416(6879), 389-395 (2002) -- Details
Gassmann, F; Klotzli, F; Walther, GR: Simulation of observed types of dynamics of plants and plant communities, JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, 11(3), 397-408 (2000) -- Details
Walther, GR: Climatic forcing on the dispersal of exotic species, PHYTOCOENOLOGIA, 30(03. Apr), 409-430 (2000) -- Details
Walther, GR: Distribution and limits of evergreen broad-leaved (laurophyllous) species in Switzerland, BOTANICA HELVETICA, 109(2), 153-167 (1999) -- Details
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