Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung
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Completed Projects


  • Grenzüberschreitender Biotopverbund für Raufußhühner in der Euregio Egrensis
    August Spitznagel [Details]


  • Aphid induced process cascades in the canopy of forest trees under elevated CO2-concentrations
    Kristin Strobel, Bernhard Stadler [Details]

  • QA/QC for Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurements
    Mathias Göckede, Matthias Mauder, Florian Wimmer, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • Umsatz und Mobilität von Arsenverbindungen in einem bewaldeten Einzugsgebiet
    Jen-How Huang, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Stabilisierung gelöster organischer Substanz in Böden durch Ausfällung mit Aluminium
    Thorsten Scheel, Karsten Kalbitz [Details]

  • Effects of high litterfall amounts on the transport of mineral elements and dissolved organic matter in the soil of a warm temperate montane forest ecosystem in Taiwan
    Shih-Chieh Chang, Egbert Matzner [Details]


  • Scaling Analysis of Hydrometeorological Time Series
    Birgit Thies, Holger Lange [Details]

  • Einsatz und Optimierung des CART-Verfahrens als Planungsinstrument bei der Prognose der Stickstoffdynamik in Landschaften
    Benny Selle, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • The influence of natural organic matter and iron oxides on the redoxstate and complexation of arsenic in aquatic systems
    Christian Blodau [Details]

  • Carbon-Nitrogen interactions in forest ecosystems
    Björn Berg, Egbert Matzner [Details]


  • BioDiv-Net
    Thomas Gollan, Carsten Neßhöver [Details]

  • Effects of changed litter and water input, of clear cutting and a changing tree species composition on the dynamic of DOC and DON in soils
    Karsten Kalbitz, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Einflüsse kohärenter Strukturen auf den Energie- und Stoffaustausch in hohen Beständen
    Christoph Thomas, Jens-Christopher Mayer, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • Identifikation von Langzeittrends in Gebietsabflüssen und anderen umweltrelevanten Kenngrößen
    Holger Lange, Michael Hauhs, Holger Lange [Details]

  • Indikatoren des Stoffhaushalts von Waldökosystemen
    Werner Borken, Jens Langusch, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Klimatologie und Deposition von Luftschadstoffen im Fichtelgebirge
    Johannes Lüers, Otto Klemm, Johannes Olesch, Jörg Gerchau, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • Knowledge management in silviculture based on growth simulations with interactive 3D-visualization
    Thomas Glotzmann, Falk-Juri Knauft, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Litterfall Steinkreuz (amounts and chemistry)

  • Messung turbulenter Flüsse von Kohlendioxid und stabilem Kohlenstoffisotop 13 über Pflanzenbeständen mit Hilfe der Relaxed Eddy Accumulation-Methode
    Johannes Ruppert, Joel Schröter, Theresa Bertolini, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • Struktur von Lebensgemeinschaften in Baumstümpfen und zeitliche Dynamik von Nährstoffzyklen
    Bernhard Stadler [Details]

  • Umsatz organischer Zinn- und Quecksilberverbindungen in einem bewaldeten Einzugsgebiet
    Jen-How Huang, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Zeitliche Entwicklung und räumliche Dynamik des Stoffhaushaltes in zwei Einzugsgebieten
    Gunnar Lischeid, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Effects of exotic pest species on insect community structure and vital ecosystem processes
    Bernhard Stadler [Details]

  • Einfluss von Biofilmen auf die Stabilisierung von gelöster organischer Substanz (DOM) im Mineralboden
    Matthias Heinz, Thorsten Scheel, Karsten Kalbitz [Details]

  • Nachhaltige Landnutzung im Weißenstädter Becken - Einführung eines integrierten Einzugsgebietsmanagements zum Schutz des Grundwassers und der oberirdischen Gewässer
    Marion Mertens, Hannaleena Meier, Thomas Gollan, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • Biodiversity and Ecosytem Functions in Grasslands
    Carsten Neßhöver, Guido Kossmann, Thomas Gollan, Egbert Matzner, Carl Beierkuhnlein [Details]

  • Emission and Chemical Transformation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds
    Jens-Christopher Mayer, Christoph Thomas, Michael Kortner [Details]

  • Quantifizierung und Bewertung von Fließ- und Transportmustern in der ungesättigten Zone von Forst- und Agrarökosystemen
    Martin Schlather, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • VERTIKO: Vertical transport of energy and trace gases at anchor stations and their time and space extrapolation under complex natural conditions
    John Tenhunen [Details]


  • Energy Balance Experiment 2000, EBEX
    Thomas Foken, Claudia Liebethal, Matthias Mauder [Details]

  • Therophytenvegetation in Jordanien
    Klaus Müller-Hohenstein [Details]

  • Untersuchung des urbanen Aerosols auf abwasserbürtige Aerosole anhand der Tracer Choprostanol und Cholesterol
    Michael Radke, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Forest Carbon - Nitrogen Trajectories
    Anette Gräff, Kerstin Löblich-Ille, Gerhard Gebauer [Details]

  • Integrated Nitrogen Model for European Catchments
    Jens Langusch, Birgit Maier, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Predicting recovery in acidified freshwaters by the year 2010, and beyond
    Christine Alewell, Elisabeth Herrmann, Annette Prechtel, Dorothea Wiesner, Egbert Matzner [Details]


  • DDA/NSC Joint Research Collaboration
    Shih-Chieh Chang [Details]

  • Lufthygienisch-Bioklimatische Kennzeichnung des oberen Egertales
    Cornelia Gerwig (Klör), Claudia Liebethal, Matthias Mauder, Johannes Ruppert, Monika Soldner, Christoph Thomas, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • Quantification of the atmospheric input of water and nutrients to a forest ecosystem through fog deposition
    Thomas Wrzesinsky, Otto Klemm [Details]

  • Spatial variability in the flow of nutrients through the canopy of Hemlock trees infested with the Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae)
    Bernhard Stadler [Details]

  • Bedeutung verholzter Wurzelzonen für die Ionen- und Wasseraufnahme von Fichte, Buche und Eiche
    Julia Lindenmair, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Vertical fluxes over forests: Field experiments for the parameterization and validation of models
    Jörg Gerchau, Andreas Held, Cornelia Gerwig (Klör), Otto Klemm [Details]

  • Ecosystem Management in Cultural Landscapes
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Stabilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in mineral subsoils as indicated by spectroscopic properties and the Al saturation
    Karsten Kalbitz, Juliane Schmerwitz, David Schwesig, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Development fo several protection concepts for the ecological stabilizaion of mussel streams and their rivarine zone in Oberfranken (NE-Germany)
    Gunter Ilgen, Thomas Gollan [Details]


  • Waldstruktur und Bestandestranspiration von Standorten mit Ahorn, Birke und Erle im zentralen Fichtelgebirge
    Marco Pecchiari, Markus Schmidt, Paul Stoy, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Evolutionary Optimization in Biology and Numerics by Abstraction and Synthesis of Natural Organisms" Behavior
    Clemens Frey, Alois Kastner-Maresch [Details]

  • Zeitreihenanalyse der Dynamik von Hochwasserereignissen
    Knut Bernhardt, Doris Haug, Daniel Kamps, Holger Lange [Details]

  • Interdisziplinäres Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben Färbepflanzen
    Friedlinde Schillinger, Marco Schillinger, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • Stressphysiologie, Primärproduktion und Dynamik amazonischer Waldsysteme - Holzatmung und CO2-Bilanz
    Reiner Zimmermann, John Tenhunen [Details]


  • Above ground uptake of nitrogen
    Jutta Lauf, Gerhard Gebauer [Details]

  • Development of a 3-D-mixed stand model for the nitrogen dependent CO2 and water exchange of mixed beech stands in Northern Bavaria
    Stefan Fleck, Jens-Arne Subke, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Dynamically induced patterns of transport processes in forest soils
    Martin Schlather, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • Dynamics of material cycles in forest ecosystems at different space and time scales
    Christine Alewell, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Ecology of aphids in relation to ecosystem processes (DOC, DON-flows) in an oak-beech forest stand
    Beate Michalzik, Bernhard Stadler [Details]

  • Evaluation of forest management techniques by visualization of growth models
    Alois Kastner-Maresch, Lael Parrott, Bernd Scheerer, Birgit Thies, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Growth deformation on douglas fir - diagnostic fertilization with boron and molybdenum
    Christel Bihl, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Hydraulic and hydrochemical interactions between scepage, surface, and ground water - episodes and long-term trends
    Anette Hauck, Morten Lehmann, Gunnar Lischeid, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Indicators of material cycles in forest ecosystems
    Martin Armbruster, Jens Langusch, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Landscape-oriented recording registration of water use in managed forest stands
    Andrew Angeli, Marco Pecchiari, Reiner Zimmermann, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Meteorology and air pollution in the Fichtelgebirge
    Jörg Gerchau, Thomas Foken, Otto Klemm [Details]

  • Modeling the effects of land use changes on nitrogen dynamics in soils of the upper Eger catchment in the Fichtelgebirge
    Wolfgang Falk, Marion Mertens, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Renaturierungsmaßnahmen zur Förderung dynamischer Prozesse in Auen und mögliche Zielkonflikte mit anderen Nutzungen
    Andreas von Heßberg [Details]

  • Phase distribution of nitrogen compounds in the atmospheric boundary layer
    Jörg Gerchau, Alexander Mangold, Thomas Wrzesinsky, Otto Klemm [Details]

  • The analysis of hydrological and hydrochemical time series with multi-variate non-linear procedures
    Gunnar Lischeid, Tobias Rötting, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • The application of the complexity theory in ecosystem research
    Holger Lange, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • The effects of the activity of fine roots of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on soil solution and solid phase
    Martin Braun, Antje Dieffenbach, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • The influence of leaf wetness on the depostion velocity of water soluble gases
    Thomas Foken, Otto Klemm [Details]

  • The role of different root zones in ion and water uptake of mature spruce trees
    Axel Göttlein, Julia Lindenmair, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • The role of light climate and leaf area development for canopy-water and CO2 fluxes along a gradient of tree species and structure in the Steigerwald
    Stefan Fleck, Barbara Köstner, Markus Schmidt, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • The stable carbon isotope 13C and its pools in and flows between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere in different plant communities of the Fichtelgebirge
    Nina Buchmann, Johannes Ruppert, Bodo Wichura, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • The turnover of organic N-compounds (DON) in a deciduous forest ecosystem
    Stephan Solinger, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Turnover of mercury and methyl mercury in forested catchments
    Ortrun Krebs, David Schwesig, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Uptake of nutrient cations by forest trees
    Birgitta Brunner, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Impact of climate change on temperate forests
    Walter Dörwald, Alois Kastner-Maresch, Michael Sonntag, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Stickstoff als Faktor der Humusstabilität in Waldböden
    Kerstin Michel, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Verbreitung und Bildung von Organometallspezies in Altdeponien
    Dietmar Glindemann, Reimer Herrmann, Frank Hertel, Petra Peintinger, Gunter Ilgen [Details]


  • Carbon and water fluxes of Mediterranean forests and impacts of land use/cover changes
    Markus Reichstein, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Long-Term-Effect on European Forests
    Alois Kastner-Maresch, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Meteorological influences on the wind enery use in hilly regions
    Matthias Hierteis, Thomas Foken [Details]

  • The relevance of stand structure for the growth of mixed forest stands: empirical analysis, model oriented reproduction and the link to growth models
    Katharina Kolata, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emission Modelling for European Forest Canopies
    Wolfgang Faltin, Ülo Niinemets, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Scale dependent nitrogen dynamics in forests
    Hans Piehler, Bernd Huwe [Details]


  • Anpassung von Waldbäumen an Lichtgradienten im Kronenraum
    Barbara Köstner, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Carbon and nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems
    Ernst-Detlef Schulze [Details]

  • Ecological effects of land use changes on European terrestrial mountain ecosystems
    Hans-Joachim Scharfenberg, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Experimental investigations of the energy balance at the earth surface
    Thomas Foken [Details]

  • Long term carbon dioxide and water vapour fluxes of European forests and interactions with the climate system
    Wolfgang Faltin, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Michael Wedler, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Potential Effects of Climatic Changes on Soil water Status and Drought Stress Susceptability of Norway Spruce Stands in the German Alps
    Bernhard Manderscheid, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Effects of climate change on carbon gain, transpiration and water budget of forests and meadows along altitudinal gradients in southern Bavaria
    Eva-Maria Falge, Ralf Geyer, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Spatial variability of microbiological parameters of nitrogen transformations in forest soils
    Oleg Menjailo, Bernd Huwe [Details]


  • Above ground uptake of nitrogen
    Gerhard Gebauer, Jutta Lauf, Ernst-Detlef Schulze [Details]

  • Aphids on Norway spruce and their potential role for C and N-fluxes in forest ecosystems
    Beate Michalzik, Bernhard Stadler [Details]

  • Biotic Growth Strategies and Abiotic Boundary Conditions
    Alois Kastner-Maresch, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Concentrations and deposition of particulate and gaseous sulfur and nitrogen in the Fichtelgebirge
    Jörg Gerchau, Otto Klemm, Klaus Peters, Reiner Eiden (1932-2018) [Details]

  • Development of physically-based models of forest gas exchange at the catchment scale
    Wolfgang Faltin, Stefan Fleck, Ulrich Joss, Bertram Ostendorf, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Ecosystem analysis by means of complexity theory
    Holger Lange, Frank Wolf, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Effect of stem runoff and stem-runoff-affected soil on the turnover of nitrogen in beech stands - soil chemistry
    Shih-Chieh Chang, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Effects of decreasing SO42-, Ca2+, and Mg2+ deposition on the cation exchange capacity and the base saturation of acid forest soils
    Gunda Matschonat, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Evapotranspiration and CO2 gas exchange of the understory in forest ecosystems
    Hans-Joachim Scharfenberg, Michael Wedler, Reiner Zimmermann, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Exchange processes at the vegetation-atmosphere-interface: canopy transpiration and conductance as key variables in forests of different structure
    Barbara Köstner, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Investigations concerning mechanisms and kinetics of the inorganic sulfur-bonding in acidified forest soils and identification of the solid-phases of sulfur
    Stefan Peiffer [Details]

  • Investigations of Sulfur Dynamics in the Aquifer
    Michael Hauhs, Andreas Kolb, Gunnar Lischeid [Details]

  • Micro lysimetry as a tool for studying soil solution chemistry in the vicinity of growing roots
    Antje Dieffenbach, Axel Göttlein, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Modelling the Water Budget in a Beech Forest (Water Budget Model)
    Ralf Callenberg, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Onestep-, multistep- and continuous transient flow experiments for the determination of the soil hydraulic properties
    Wolfgang Durner, Bernd Schultze, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • Physics of transport processes in undisturbed ecosystems
    Holger Lange, Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Production and Transport of organic solutes: Effects of natural climatic variation (PROTOS)
    Birgitta Brunner, Beate Michalzik, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Compounds (DON) in the Nitrogen Cycle of Forest Ecosystems
    Beate Michalzik, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Scale dependent nitrogen dynamics in forests
    Andreas Gaßner, Hans Piehler, Kai Uwe Totsche, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • The BITÖK analytical laboratory
    Petra Dietrich, Andrea Glaßer, Gunter Ilgen, Jan Irmler, Kerstin Lateier, Bettina Popp, Christine Stöcker, Thomas Gollan [Details]

  • The BITÖK computer network
    Thomas Gollan, Nikolaus Klever [Details]

  • The BITÖK research sites in NE Bavaria - Routinely measurements and maintenance
    Andrea Glaßer, Uwe Hell, Andreas Kolb, Bettina Popp, Georg Walther, Thomas Gollan [Details]

  • The role of SO4-Reduction and spatial Heterogeneity of Soil SO4 Pools for the Reversibility of Soil and Water Acidification
    Christine Alewell, Claudia Jungnickel, Bernhard Manderscheid, Thomas Schweisser, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Uptake of Ammonium and Nitrate in Forest Trees
    Gerhard Gebauer, Christoph May, Gisela Schmidt, Ernst-Detlef Schulze [Details]


  • A Data Base for the Documentation of Water and Ion Budgets of Forest Ecosystems
    Michael Hauhs [Details]

  • Dendrochronological investigations on inorganic compunds in wood
    Thomas Gollan, Gunter Ilgen [Details]

  • Characterization of Spatial Heterogeneity in Transpiration from Different Spruce Stands
    Martina Alsheimer, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Contribution of Redoxchemical Processes to the Neutralization of Atmospheric Acidification in Small Watersheds, Frankenwald (Northeast-Bavaria)
    Jörg Lindemann, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann [Details]

  • SIMFONI - A Numerical Model for the Simultaneous Simulation of Water, Heat and Nitrogen Dynamics in Forest Ecosystems
    Kai Uwe Totsche, Bernd Huwe [Details]

  • Soil water availability effects on transpiration and canopy conductance of Pinus sylvestris
    Barbara Köstner, Nils Sturm, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Dynamic gas transport inside of forest soil and its couplings with the fluxes of water and heat
    Matthias Haubold, Bernd Huwe [Details]


  • Competition and spreading characteristics of Calamagrostis villosa (CHAIX) J.F. GMEL. in the Western Fichtelgebirge
    Heike Betz, Doris Koppisch, Ernst-Detlef Schulze [Details]


  • Vergleichende Untersuchungen über den Einfluß einer Kompostdüngung auf die Wasser- und Nährstoffbilanz eines gebspitzigen Kiefernbestandes auf sauren Sanden 6hrstoffbilanz eines gebspitzigen Kiefernbestandes auf sauren Sanden

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