In the two-year master´s programme, you learn to address global environmental chemical challenges with knowledge, skills, and experience from an application-oriented and strongly interdisciplinary perspective. Aside from the core understanding of processes in air, soil, and water, subjects include inorganic and organic chemistry, microbiology, toxicology, ecosystem analysis, and human-environment interactions. Exercises in small groups enable hands-on experience of the front-end analytical techniques in the individual research groups and development of solution-oriented thinking and creativity. You are trained in critical reflection, abstraction, and logical argumentation as well as oral and written communication. Different perceptions of environmental challenges by students from different countries at different stages of development and with different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds are integrated to sharpen understanding of international contexts.
Overview of your modules (for further details on module content please visit the study plan (full time/part time) or refer to the study guide).
Structure of the course of studies in thematic areas air (A), soil (S), water (W), chemistry and analytics (C), experimental biogeochemistry and environmental microbiology (EB), isotope biogeochemistry (Iso), methods (M) and elective/internship (E). In the E-modules you can select from all courses offered at Bayreuth University be it further education in natural sciences but also the acquisition of additional qualification in a language, legal issues, business administration, or internships (inside or outside the University); All modules equal 5 ECTS. Thirty ECTS points are awarded for the master´s thesis (T). For further details, please see the study guide.