Study Plan (Full Time Study)

As a full-time study, the master´s degree in Environmental Chemistry can be obtained in 4 semesters, earning 30 ECTS per semester and a total of 120 ECTS until completion of the programme.


Mode of Teaching: L = Lecture, TP = Tutorial/Practical Courses, S = Seminar

WHS = weekly hours per semester

PA = Performance Assessment: wE = written exam, oE = oral exam, Rep = Report, Pres = Presentation

ECTS = credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System, 1 ECTS equals a workload of 30 hours

1st Semester Mode WHS PA ECTS
A1 Atmospheric Chemistry I
Atmospheric Chemistry I L 2 wE
Hands-On TP 2
S1 Soil and Terrestrial Biogeochemistry I
Introduction to Soil Chemistry L 2 wE
Terrestrial Biogeochemistry I L 2
W1 Aquatic Geochemistry 5
Introduction to Aquatic Geochemistry L 2 wE/oE
Methods in Aquatic Geochemistry TP 2
C1 Geochemical Modeling 5
Introduction to Environmental Geochemistry and Geochemical Modeling TP 4 wE/oE
M1 Scientific Writing and Symposium 5
Scientific Writing S 2 Rep
Symposium Global Environmental Challenges S 1 Pres
E1 Elective/ Internship a)
according to specifications 5
2nd Semester Mode WHS PA ECTS
A2 Atmospheric Chemistry II b) 5
Atmospheric Chemistry II L 2 Rep
Atmospheric Chemistry Research Project TP 2
S2 Soil and Terrestrial Biogeochemistry II b) 5
Terrestrial Biogeochemistry II L 2 wE (50%)
Soil Processes TP 2 Rep (50%)
W2 Principles of Reactive Transport b) 5
Introduction to Reactive Transport L 2 wE/oE
Problems in Reactive Transport S 2
C2 Environmental Analytical Chemistry I – Basic Methods b) 5
Introduction to Environmental Analytical Chemistry L 2 wE/oE
Basic Laboratory and Field Training TP 2
C3 Inorganic Pollutants & Environmental Forensics b) 5
Inorganic Pollutants L 2 wE/oE
Environmental Forensics S 2
EB1 Environmental Microbiology b) 5
Introduction to Environmental Microbiology L/S 2 wE (50%)
Environmental Microbiology Project TP 2 Rep (50%)
M2 Research Module 5
Research Project TP 8 Pres/Rep
E2 Elective/ Internship a)
according to specifications 5
3rd Semester Mode WHS PA ECTS
S3 Organic and Inorganic Soil Contamination c) 5
Soil Contamination L 2 wE (50%)
Organic Pollutants TP 2 Rep (50%)
W3 Biogeochemical Methods in Hydrology c) 5
Introduction to Aquatic Biogeochemistry L 1 Pres/Rep
Aquatic Biogeochemistry Project TP 3
W4 Hydrological Systems Analysis c) 5
Hydrological Systems L 2 wE/oE
Organic Contaminants in the Water Cycle S 2
C4 Environmental Analyical Chemistry II - Advanced Methods c) 5
Environmental Analytical Chemistry II L/S 2 wE/oE
Advanced Laboratory Methods TP 2
C5 Mass Spectrometry c) 5
Basics in Mass Spectrometry S 2 wE/oE
Application of Mass Spectrometry in Trace Element Analysis TP 2
EB2 Analytical Microscopy Project c) 5
Analytical Microscopy in Geomicrobiology and Environmental Science L/TP 4 Rep
Iso1 Isotope Biogeochemistry c) 5
Stable Isotopes L 2 wE/oE
Radioactive Isotopes L 1
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry TP 1
M3 Paper Seminar and Research Plan 5
Paper Seminar S 2 Pres
Designing and Presenting a Research Plan S 2 Rep
E3 Elective/ Internship a)
according to specifications 5
4th Semester ECTS
T Master´s Thesis 30
Master´s Thesis including 1 presentation

a) The total numbers of credit points for all E-modules together is 15 ECTS; the 15 ECTS can be achieved in any combination of different lectures or modules with different ECTS.

b) select 4 out of 6 modules (A2, S2, W2, C2, C3, and EB1)

c) select 4 out of 7 modules (S3, W3, W4, C4, C5, EB2, and Iso1)


All modules excluding the M- and E-modules are graded. The weighting for calculating the overall grade of the master´s degree is based on the indicated ECTS per module.

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