Poster, International Symposium Soil processes under extreme meteorological conditions, Bayreuth: 2007-02-25 - 2007-02-28
Dye tracer experiments are a well established method to access information about water flow in soils (Flury and Wai 2003). In our study, we used Brilliant Blue FCF, because of its low toxicity and good visibility against a large number of soil colours (Flury and Flühler 1995). In this paper, we summarise the workflow of a dye tracer experiment. The technical equipment and the experimental design are presented. The principal data acquired in a dye tracer experiment are digital photographs of the stained soil profiles. Therefore, a special emphasise is given to some image analysing techniques like geometrical image correction and image classification. And last but not least, we show how to extract numerical information about dye coverage from the photographs to further processing and modelling.