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Disturbance Ecology

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Master Theses

Pia Bradler (continued) Changes in alpine plant community composition through time following abrupt and lasting change in climatic conditions after downslope translocation
Nadine Arzt (continued) Warming and novel competitors - The dual threat to mountain plant communities revealed by a reciprocal translocation experiment in the European Alps
Judith Eisenbacher (2022)Late frost limitation of European beech in the Fichtelgebirge mid-range mountains, Germany
Julia Henschel (2022)Low functional diversity despite high species richness – Analysis of plant functional trait distribution on the subalpine grassland biodiversity hotspot Brunnenkopfalm, Ammergebirge, European Alps
Mary Herrera (2022)Military training areas create heterogeneous landscapes with high biodiversity and unique habitat for rare species
Markus Schmitt (2022)Steuerfaktoren der Arretierten Sukzession auf Waldbrandhängen in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen - Die Regeneration der Krummholz-Kiefer (Pinus mugo Turra subsp. mugo) auf den Hängen der Arnspitze
Jana Rüthers (2021)Effects of reciprocal translocation of pre-alpine plant-soil monoliths on above- and belowground plant performance
Neetra Bhandari (2021)Quantifying drought related change in pollen records across Europe during the last 12,000 years
Lisa Beiergrößlein (2021)SUSALPS: Effects of climate warming on C,N,P and microbial biomass in downslope translocated plant-soil turfs
Ram Devkota (2020)A time-elevation survey of plant primary succession and soil resource dynamics on lava-flows on a Canary Island
Hanna Stank (2020)Auswirkungen von Trockenheit und Stickstoff-Düngung auf das Wachstum vom Jakobs-Kreuzkraut (Jacobaea vulgaris)
Caroline Löwer (2020)Vegetation pattern and water related ecosystem service provisioning of high-altitude Paramo in Columbia
Negin Katal (2019)Applying Dark Diversity concept to endemic species of La Palma Island: How do endemic species contribute to dark diversity
Nadine Mildner (2019)Auswirkungen von Schnitthäufigkeit und Diversität auf das Wachstum vom Jakobs-Kreuzkraut (Jacobaea vulgaris)
Hanna Hartmann (2019)Plant dominance patterns and their influence factors in primary succession on lava flows across climate zones
Viola Hippler (2018)Die räumliche Skalierung des Distance Decay in einem alpinen Tundra-Ökosystem
Karsten Press (2017)Die Verbreitung des Neophyten Lupinus polyphyllus im Fichtelgebirge - Eine Untersuchung der Nischenbreite und eine MaxEnt-Modellierung der potentiellen Habitateignung
Max Schuchardt (2017)El Nino driven vegetation dynamics in Northern Peru – The vegetation‘s reaction to fluctuating resources
Maja Zimmermann (2015)Performance of Lupinus polyphyllus in temperate grassland under drought – a mesocosm experiment across 3 countries (DE, BE, BU, TU). Invasive lupines interacting with drought threaten grassland biodiversity and functioning in Europe
Frank Weiser (2015)Plant traits along an altitudinal gradient – a case study in Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy
Veronika Wahl (2012)Lupinus nootkatensis - a highly invasive species in Iceland: Do native plant communities and vegetation cover affect the invasiveness of Lupinus nootkatensis?
Laura Dienstbach (2011)Können Düngung und Mahdzeitpunkt die negativen Auswirkungen erhöhter Niederschlagsvariabilität auf Biomasse und Futterqualität eines extensiv genutzten Grünlandes kompensieren? more...
Franziska Niemitz (2009)Investigating the present global distribution and future dispersal of Aedes albopictus in Bavaria.
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