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/Global Change Ecology M.Sc.

O: Overview

NumberTitleCredit PointsTermCourse no.
74003Jour Fixe (Oc)
Logistical and organisational details are discussed. Students are also able to share and exchange their individual experience and knowledge, discuss current study issues and for group mentoring. You will be introduced to possible science schools and internships. Students from last year will share their experiences. Topics and regulations about the master thesis are presented. You will establish your own GCE student homepage. The O-module lasts for one semester and must be taken in the first semester as it sets the basis for the programme.


OGlobal Change Ecology Overview5 
 Global Change Ecology (Oa)1174001
 Progress in Global Change Research (Ob)2174002
 Jour fixe (Oc)1174003, 74003, 74003, 74003, 74034, PM_DE
 Excursion (Od)1274004, 74004, 74004
 GCE Jour Fixe (Oc)1174005
-O Overview- -A Environmental Change- -B Ecological Change- -C Societal Change- -M Methods- -F Free Choice- -I Internships- -S International Science Schools- -R Research Skills- -T Master Thesis-
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