Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



Members list

Name Institution Country
Gebauer, Gerhard, Prof. Dr.BayCEER - Laboratory of Isotope Biogeochemistry, University of Bayreuth
Ko, Jonghan, Assistant Prof. Ph.D.Chonnam National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Parra Suárez, Silvia, Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. BiologyDepartment of Hydrology, University of Bayreuth
Peiffer, Stefan, Prof. Dr.Department of Hydrology, University of BayreuthGermany
Arnhold, Sebastian, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Choi, Ik-Chang, M.Sc.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Choi, Kwanghun, M.Sc.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Geyer, RalfDepartment of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Jeong, Gwan Yong, M.A. GeographyDepartment of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Lambini, Cosmas, M.Sc.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Larch, Mario, Prof. Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Lee, Bora, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Lee-Otto, Dong-JaeDepartment of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Lee, Saem, Dr. rer. nat.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Ließ, Mareike, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Lindner, Steve, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Martin, Emily, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Müller-Mahn, Detlef, Prof. Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Nguyen, Thinh Duy, M.Sc.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Otieno, Dennis Ochuodho, PD Dr. habil.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Poppenborg, Patrick, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Reineking, Björn, Prof. Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Tenhunen, John, pens. Prof. Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Thomas, SandraDepartment of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Titel, SelinaDepartment of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Trabert, Susann, Dr.Department of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Wartinger, MargareteDepartment of Plant Ecology, University of BayreuthGermany
Park, Ji-Hyung, Prof. Ph.D.Ewha Womans UniversitySouth Korea
Kettering, Janine, Dr.FLAD&FLAD Communication GmbHGermnany
Kuzyakov, Yakov, Prof. Dr.Georg-August University Göttingen, Büsgen-InstituteGermany
Lee, Sang-Hun, Assistant Prof. Ph.D.Hanshin UniversitySouth Korea
Fleckenstein, Jan, Prof. Dr.Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)Germany
Choi, Gwangyong, Assistant Prof.Jeju National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Ahn, Tae Seok, Prof. Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Belorid, MiloslavKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Do, NayoungKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Eum, JaesungKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Jang, ChangwonKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Kang, Sinkyu, Prof. Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Kim, Bomchul, Prof. Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Kim, Jea-Chul, Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Kim, Sohee, M.Sc. Env. ScienceKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Lee, Chong Bum, Prof. Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Lee, HyunjuKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Lee, JihyeKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Lee, Sang Soo, Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Lim, Jung-EunKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Moonis, Mohammad, M.Sc. Env. SciencesKangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Ok, Yong Sik, Prof. Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Owen, Jeffrey S., Dr.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Seo, Bumsuk, Dr.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Yang, Jae E., Prof. Ph.D.Kangwon National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus, Prof. Dr.Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
Kiese, Ralf, Dr.Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
Kim, Young-Sun, Dr.Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
Kim, Kyongha, Dr.Korea Forest Research InstituteRepublic of Korea
Lim, Jong Hwan, Dr.Korea Forest Research InstituteRepublic of Korea
Park, Chan Ryul, Dr.Korea Forest Research InstituteRepublic of Korea
Nguyen, Trung Thanh, PD Dr.Leibniz University HannoverGermany
Glaser, Bruno, Prof. Dr.Martin Luther University Halle-WittenbergGermany
Koellner, Thomas, Prof. Dr.Professorship of Ecological Services, University of BayreuthGermany
Werner, Christiane, Prof. Dr.Professur für Ökosystemphysiologie, Institut für Forstwissenschaften, Fakultät für Umwelt und natürliche Ressourcen, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Koh, Insu, Ph.D.Purdue UniversityUSA
Hoang, Vincent, Dr.Queensland University of AustraliaAustralia
Bae, So-Yeon, M.Sc.Seoul National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Kang, WanmoSeoul National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Kim, Joon, Prof. Ph.D.Seoul National UniversityKorea
Lee, Dowon, Prof. Ph.D.Seoul National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Park, Soo Jin, Prof. Ph.D.Seoul National UniversityRepublic of Korea
Lee, Mi-Hee, Dr.University of BayreuthGermany
Shin, Hio-Jung, Prof. Ph.D.University of BayreuthGermany
Huwe, Bernd, pens. Prof. Dr.University of Bayreuth, Soil Physics Group
Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf, Prof. Dr.University of Würzburg, Zoology IIIGermany
Shope, Christopher L., Ph.D.U.S. Geological SurveyUSA
Pham, Van Dien, Prof.Vietnam Forestry UniversityVietnam
Kang, Hojeong, Prof. Ph.D.Yonsei UniversityRepublic of Korea
Seo, Ju-YoungYonsei UniversityRepublic of Korea
Bartsch, Svenja, Dr.
Berger, Sina, Dr. rer. nat.
Elsayed Ali, Hamada, Dr.
Frei, Sven, PD Dr.
Hwang, Jintae, Dr.
Jun, Euyryung, Ph.D.
Kwon, Hyojung, Ph. D.
Lee, Heera, M.Sc. Global Change Ecology
Maharjan, Ganga Ram, Dr.
Nay Htoon, Bhone, Dr.
Park, Jong Yol, Dr.
Payeur-Poirier, Jean-Lionel, Dr. rer. nat.
Rambold, Gerhard, Prof. em. Dr.
Ruidisch, Marianne, Dr.
Xue, Wei, Dr.
Zhao, Peng, Dr. rer. nat.