The objectives of the CREATE Consortium initiated by the University of Bayreuth and Maseno University are:
to Create a platform for international scientific information exchange with respect to global change impacts on East African ecosystems
to Realize new projects and foster collaborative research on global change impacts in East Africa
to Educate doctoral students in up-to-date methods, approaches and innovations in global change science
to Analyze land use change and land management issues transdisciplinarily along transport continua
to Tie together our social, cultural and natural science understanding in order to visualize critical drivers of change in East African landscapes
to Encourage current but even more importantly the next generation natural scientists of East Africa to pursue proactive management of their natural resources
Work of the CREATE Consortium is based on the assumption that the complex nature of these efforts in global change science necessitates a place-based focus for case studies. Associated pages of this web site promote Maseno University in Kenya and nearby areas as one such location where ecosystem scientists can productively work together on in-depth analyses of ecosystem processes and their shift under global change.