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Vortragsreihe Ökologie und Umweltforschung WS 2022/23

Dr. Nicolai Nürk
Plant Systematics, BayCEER (Homepage)
Donnerstag, 16.02.2023 ,

What is diversification and how should we study it?

Two fundamental macroevolutionary processes affect the dramatic differences in biodiversity on Earth: Diversification within and dispersal between areas. Mutation, recombination, and genetic drift contribute at microevolution scales. Today, evolutionary processes can be studied within phylogenetic frameworks in unprecedented detail. However, current findings on model congruence raised concerns about the general identifiability of most fundamental evolutionary parameters, such as the rates of speciation and extinction. I will discuss existing approaches to studying species diversification in flowering plants. Empirical work examples underpin how combined ecologic and phylogenetic information can be used to infer the most basic principles in species evolution.


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