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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Mobile Film Making Workshop (for students of BayCEER)

Presenting person: Dr. Wiebke Finkler, Department of Marketing, University of Otago (Homepage)
Fr. 2024-04-26-Sa. 2024-04-27 (13:00-16:00), S21,GEO building

In this one and a half day hands-on workshop, participants will learn how to utilize mobile devices we carry in our pockets to film and edit short videos (covering basic camera and editing techniques plus sound recording). In detail, participants will come up with a concept for a film in groups (e.g. promotion of study programmes within BayCEER), shoot it with their own mobile phone and edit it within a day. The workshop gives participants the tools to create videos with a "red thread" in good quality and within in a short time period. Practical knowledge in this field are helpful for science communication, teaching etc. The course will be held in English, but German communication will be possible, too.

Dr. Wiebke Finkler has a profound understanding and expertise in the field as she's a documentary filmmaker and has been offering a variety of workshop formats on film making at the University of Otago, New Zealand for several years. She's a creative marketing researcher, filmmaker, author and science communicator. With a background in marine biology Wiebke has a special interest in how filmmaking combined with community-based social marketing can be used as a tool for sustainable development, environmental conservation and social good. She is also the author of the new book The Science of Hope: Eye to Eye with our World's Wildlife. She's doing part of her sebattical at UBT and is happy to enter in further exchange or develop new joint research projects.

A screening of all videos taken during the one and a half day workshop for students and the workshop for PhDs/PostDocs/Profs will probably take place end of June.

Time table:

Friday: 13:00 -15:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 16:00 pm



  • Participation is only possible with enrolement for the course.
  • Participants need to bring their own phones as well as laptops and video editing software such as iMovie (for free), Da Vinci Resolve (for free) or Premiere Pro.
  • No prior knowledge needed, it's a beginners' course

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