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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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For BayCEER Members

In addition to research support from Central Facilities, BayCEER offers its members several networking and exchange opportunities, which are linked below. Membership in the BayCEER requires affiliation with the University of Bayreuth, a completed PhD and a working field related to ecology and environmental research (-> Become a member).

BayCEER Kolloquium

BayCEER Colloquium

Present your own research or offer a guest the stage? This is what our lecture series on Thursday lunchtime during the lecture period is for.

Short Courses

Short Courses

Discussing methodological issues, passing on knowledge and learning from each other? The BayCEER Short Courses were introduced in 2024 for this purpose - ideas are welcome!

BayCEER Workshop

BayCEER Workshop

Every year before the start of the lecture period in the winter semester, the BayCEER community presents and discusses ongoing research at the BayCEER Workshop.


Research field sites

BayCEER conducts research in the state forest in the Fichtelgebirge and, since 2024, on sites south of Bayreuth near Rödensdorf. Find out more in the Cloud member area.


Science Communication

Would you like to present and discuss findings from your research outside the university? Let`s have a look together what options are available and who can support you.


BayCEER Cloud

Everything has its place on the BayCEER Cloud - from logos and templates to committee election documentation. Login with your bt-ID. Then the member area can be activated for you.

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